Chapter 23

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Zeta POV

I woke up to see that Xander was still cuddling me. I reach for my phone that is still in my pocket somehow and see it's already 11 a.m. No wonder I feel so rested, I can't remember ever sleeping in this late. I have a feeling it's going to be a good day. That is until I catch the date on the screen. Tomorrow is Akira's birthday. She should be turning 17. A wave of depression hits me. I decide to go downstairs to try to get my mind off of it momentarily.

I sneak away from Xander and he's downstairs. I'm not paying attention, lost in thought as I make my way to the kitchen. I almost bump into Massimo when he says, "Zeta, you good?"

I look up to see him standing right in front of me, effectively snapping it off my thoughts. "Uh, yeah. Sorry" I say, not wanting to talk about it right now. I look around to actually examine my surroundings.

I'm surprised when I see a very muscular and good looking man who looks a few years younger than Massimo standing in our kitchen.

I'm suddenly self conscious of the fact I am wearing oversized, very worn sweatpants and a sweatshirt and my hair is a frizzy mess. Oh well, too late to care now.

I observe him as I see him analyzing me. Not just my looks, but it seems like he is looking through me. Like he is trying to guess what I'm thinking.

Massimo cuts the silence, "Right. Zeta, this is Beckett Bellaire, the Don of the American Mafia. He is the guest I told you will be staying today and tomorrow. His family will also be here for dinner tonight. Beckett, this is my younger sister, Zeta." I make eye contact with him and say "nice to meet you." He just nods in response. I guess he's a quiet one. Oh well, not my problem.

I decide to avoid any awkwardness. I grab a water bottle and a granola bar even though I'm not hungry to avoid Massimo being suspicious of my mental state.

I go back to my room and flop into bed. I pull out my phone and start looking through all of the pictures I have with Akira. I miss her so much. Tears come to my eyes and I know I'm not leaving my bed anytime soon.

Beckett POV

When I first saw Zeta, I was surprised to see a girl not half naked in the house. Who is she? I was also intrigued. She is very beautiful, a compliment I don't often give. But, she was way too young to think of sexually though. I'm only 21. I just look older because if my job. You have to mature fast in this field. I am much younger than my friends and allies, like Massimo, but we are still very close.

Zeta was intriguing though in more than just looks. There was something about her. The way she was spaced out walking in here. The way he eyes looked like theyb has dark circles that would take years to make, despite her seeming to have just woken up. While she seemed relatively normal on the outside, a closer look would tell you she's been through a lot.

I feel bad that her prick of a father sent her away just for being a girl. I wonder if she knows that it thinks it's for safety like her brothers. Massimo let me in on the secret in exchange for me helping him to keep tabs on their father.

Something about Zeta made me want to u uncover all the mysteries of what happened to her. She shouldn't have to be walking around as a shell of herself. She does a good job of hiding it, but I was her. Hell, I still am. I barely speak to anyone except sometimes Massimo and when I'm commanding my men.

I didn't even know she came back. I've been busy and so have the Conti's. Now I see they were more busy with their returned sister than work.

I know it's none of my business, but I feel the need to pry a little. "I didn't know she came back. You found her?" I say to Massimo.

"She found us, really. She was in a car crash that killed everyone in the car but her. Her adoptive parents and her best friend died. Since she was in a new state, they had to get her DNA test before sending her to foster care. Now, she's back."

I take in the information. So maybe the sadness she send to carry is just grief? In sure she also has some trauma for just being taken away. I hope it's nothing more like I was thinking. Something about her look was just so identifying with me. I despise my family. That's why I'm staying here. Mynpent house is under construction until tomorrow and I don't want to stay with them.

"Does you father know?" I ask Massimo.

"I don't know. But if you hear anything, let me know as soon as possible" he replies.

I nod. "I haven't heard anything from him. It seems he's gone off the grid. I'll let you know thought."

"Let's go to my office. I may also need your help finding some people. I can't go into detail because I can't break Zeta's trust, but there are some people who need taught a lesson."

As we begin walking away, I know that I'm right. I recognize me in her because she had a traumatic childhood too. I won't pry unless she tells me because I know how personal that can be, but I am definitely willing to help Massimo get revenge for whatever they did.

I'm not exactly made for the mafia, but I didn't have a choice. I kill as minimally as possible, and I only kill those who deserve it. It makes me able to sleep at night, well sleep the little bit I do.

We go to work for most of the day, until I see it's dinner time. Ugh. I hate having to see my despicable father. My brother is becoming just like him too. And my mother is just an evil gold digger. But, mafia relations cause these dinners to be necessary.

I hear the doorbell and head to greet my family with Massimo the rest of the Conti brothers. I don't see Zeta just yet. Thatight be a good thing. I'd rather her not meet my despicable family.

My father enters and shakes hands with all of us. My brother does the same, but he doesn't greet me. We don't exactly get along.
My mother just stands there with her boobs basically falling out of her dress. Gross. She's eyeing all of the Conti brother's even though they're all half her age or younger. She really is a disgusting whore.

We start to move to the dining room when Zeta walks down. She looks pretty in a nice yellow and blue striped sundress. Her hair is flowing down her back very neatly. She looks very out together. But when I take a second look, it seems like she's been crying. I hope she's okay. It doesn't seem like anyone else noticed.

She does her quick introductions before we all finally sit down to eat. I sit on the end with Massimo, Enzo, and my family. Luckily, Zeta is in the other end. We talk about business as we eat. Luckily, tonight was rather uneventful. We updated my father on our deals and what are enemies were doing. They did annoyingly bother me about finding a wife, but I managed to shut them down.

I did glance over towards the twins and Zeta a few times. They were talking to her and she was answering, but you could tell her mind was somewhere else. She barely touched her food. Something was wrong, but I'm not exactly in the position to try and fix it. Maybe something triggered her grief. That could explain the crying. I don't know why I care so much. Something about her just has me very intrigued.

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