Chapter 25

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Beckett POV

I don't know what's happening to me. Something is driving me to protect Zeta. I normally don't care about any one. But I wasn't lying when I told her that her desperation convinced me to take her. I was planning on leaving her and going to do some work nearby until it was time to go back, but seeing her near tears, I know I have to stay. She shouldn't be alone while grieving. It would be too unsafe too since she wouldn't be fully aware of her surroundings.

I felt like an idiot when I asked about her friend. I knew her best friend was killed in the crash. It wasn't too hard to connect the dots. I just wasn't thinking. A rare event. That is another reason I don't talk a lot; talking too much makes you not think enough. We parked nearby and entered in the café. 

It's not what I expected. I don't know why, but I thought it was going to be filled with annoying teen girls and be loud and obnoxious. To my surprise, it was more in the quieter side with a variety of different people. It was actually quite chic. Honestly, I'm going to implement some of the design into my own restaurants and cafes.

I tell Zeta to go get a table while I get us drinks. She told me I don't have to stay and that I don't have to babysit her, but I told her that I promised Massimo I'd stay and I just planned on answering emails on my phone so I won't bother her.

She rattled off some super sugary drink, which didn't seem to be her taste. It made sense when she said that was Akira's favorite. I went to the counter and got in line, which was unfortunately pretty long.

Zeta POV

Beckett went to get our drinks. I don't know how I feel about him. He's still intimidating. But it does feel nice to have someone help me that isn't obligated like my brothers. Luckily, the table I always sat at with Akira was open. It was in the corner so our talking wouldn't disturb anyone and it was right next to the window where we could see people passing by.

I got lost in my head as visions of memories past through my mind. I only knew her for a few years, but she was family to me. I remember her sitting here telling me about a boy she liked, or complaining about her shitty parents, or reminiscing of the things we did the night before. This cafe was our place.  I miss her so much.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts when I see someone sitting across from me. I'm surprised to see that it isn't Beckett, but it's Eli. We have actually messaged since the amusement park, but I wouldn't say we are besties or anything.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"This is my favorite cafe, you?" I reply not getting into my real reasons for coming.

"Trying a new place. You okay? You didn't even notice me until I sat down, even when I said you name" he answers.

"Yeah, just lost in thought." I know I'm being a little short, but I can't bring myself to have a happy conversation right now.

"Okay. We should hang out soon! Maybe go to lunch or something. Text me when you're --"

He's cut off by Beckett grabbing his arm.

"Is he bothering you?" Beckett asks.

"No. He's a friend" I reply.

Beckett nods. Before he can do anything else, Eli says "I was just leaving anyway. See you around, Zeta!"

Beckett sets down three drinks. I look at him questioningly.

"I know you want to honor your friend, but I also know that you don't want to drink it. I got you a chai tea latte." I don't know what to think. He's right. And he got my usual drink. How?

"Thanks, but how did you know this was my usual drink?" I asked.

"Lucky guess" he responded with a shrug.

Soon enough her was leaning back, answering emails on his phone and I'm lost in thought as I stare out the window. The memories are beginning to be overwhelming. I feel like I need to do something for her.

An idea pops in my head. I grab my phone and some paper and pencils from the small bag I brought. I pull up a candid photo of me and Akira laughing at this very table.

I'm not super creative, but my drawing skills are actually really good when copying a photo. I get lost in my drawing while occasionally sipping on my drink, completely oblivious to the world around me.

When I am done drawing the picture, I add a halo over Akira. I go to sip my drink realizing it is gone. I look up and see the cafe is much less crowded. Beckett is texting on his phone when he looks up and makes eye contact with me. He glanced down at my picture. His face remains emotionless, but it does show a hint of surprise.

"Ready to go?" He asks. I nod. I know today wasn't much, but I'm emotionally very exhausted. I silently follow him back to his car. Unlike before, this time we don't make conversation. He seems very tense and my lack of sleep is catching up to me. I actually drift off a few times, feeling weirdly okay to do so, but my past experiences  still make me not want to. He drops me off rather than coming in. I leave the car with one more thank you for taking me.

Gianni and Matteo are the only ones home. The rest are still working. "You look like a zombie" Gianni snickers. "What else is new?" I reply exhausted,  not in the mood to fight with him. I see what looks like concern in his eyes, but I'm not going to hold my breath. "Whatever. I have to do something with you tomorrow. Be ready to go at 1" he says and promptly leaves the room as Matteo enters.

"Hey Z." He says. Instead of responding I give him a bear hug, that I don't intend on letting go of quickly.

"Everything okay?" He asks.

I nod into his chest. "Yeah. I just needed a hug."

He hugs me tighter. "I'm going to go watch a movie in the theater, wanna join?" I am hoping he will come with so I can have a dreamless sleep.

"Sure. Go change into comfy clothes. You look tired." He said.

I got on pajamas and comfy socks. I headed to the cinema and curled into Teo. I put on Mulan, one of Akira's favorites.

I barely made it last the opening credits before drifting off into the dreamless sleep I desired, putting off my anxiety about my day with Gianni tomorrow.

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