Heated In The Dressing Room.

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Midoriya was not exactly prepared for the mountain of clothes Aoyama urged him to try on. In fact it was more awkward than usual because the blonde prince demanded everyone leave the store so they could shop. Midoriya felt bad but no one seemed to have an issue with leaving. Not that many people would argue with a prince but it was just strange that they looked happy to be commanded by their graceful prince. Midoriya sighed and followed Aoyama around, letting him pile clothes into his arms. Eventually they made it towards the back where he was led to the dressing rooms.

Bakugou was quiet most of the time yet he had sneakily added a few items to the pile when Midoriya wasn't looking. It took hours for Midoriya to try each piece on. Eventually he settled for only a few dresses, a couple of blouses and skirts, some new shoes and socks, and some night clothes. After talking to Aoyama the blonde decided he would buy all of them for Midoriya which of course he tried to argue against. Aoyama ignored him and walked away with the pile of clothes.

“It's almost dark outside.” Midoriya sighed as he looked towards the front of the store where the window was

Bakugou scoffed.
“Well ye took ferever.” He said glancing towards Dynama who was curled up on a tufted leather chair

Midoriya looked down at himself since he was still wearing one of the outfits Aoyama picked out for him.
“Dresses are hard to put on.” He said

“Whaddever.” Bakugou shook his head uncaring

There was a moment of silence until Midoriya decided to go back in the dressing room.
“I guess I should change back into my clothes.” He said

Prince Bakugou shrugged.
“Unless ye plan on stealin’ that.”

Midoriya giggled.
“I probably shouldn't.” He shook his head

Bakugou didn't answer as the other went back into the dressing room, behind the heavy velvet curtain. The blonde sighed because he wanted this to end. Honestly he knew letting Aoyama do this was a better idea but he wanted to be the one to pick out the outfits for Midoriya. He snuck in a few items but the other didn't try them on. He must not have liked them. Bakugou's thoughts were cut short when he heard a hesitant voice calling his name.

“Um Kacchan.” Midoriya said in a nervous tone

Bakugou frowned.
“Yeah?” He questioned the curtain

Midoriya hesitated.
“Can you… can you help me?” He asked

“With what?” Bakugou walked towards the velvet drape and pushed aside

Midoriya was a little flushed as he stood there, back facing the other with just a chemise under a petticoat and corset.
“I can't untie the corset and I don't wanna tangle the strings.” He explained

“Mm.” Bakugou said understandingly as he slid the curtain velvet closed behind him when he fully stepped into the room

It was just them in the small room together. There was a pile of clothes on the floor next to Midoriya's things along with another tufted chair. In front of the smaller was a floor length mirror. Midoriya still had a petticoat on but the skirt that went over it had already been taken off. Of course Midoriya didn't have any cleavage to fill out the front of his corset making it lay flat to his chest but Bakugou thought he still looked… good. Midoriya's face was a little pink because it felt like there was some sort of tension in the air. The room was small after all and Bakugou was going to help undress him.

It just felt heavy, thick. The blonde's eyes looked down at Midoriya’s back where the strings of his corset were tied into a perfect bow, probably by Aoyama. He carefully grabbed the thick string and started to untie it without a word which was not helpful for Midoriya. When he felt the corset loosen he held it to his chest as if he had something to hide. He wasn't even in his female form. Bakugou has seen him shirtless yet for some reason he still felt the need to keep covered. The chemise was very thin.

The Prince looked up towards the mirror when he finished.
“There.” He said

Midoriya could feel his breath grace the back of his neck and it made him shiver a little.
“Th- Thank you Kacchan.” He cleared his throat

Bakugou swallowed. He could feel the tension too as he watched Midoriya shift uncomfortably in the mirror. The blonde is sure he's overstayed his welcome but he doesn't care.
“Need help with tha skirt?”

Midoriya whipped around still holding the corset to his chest.
“N- no! I mean I can get it.” He said shyly

Bakugou looked him up and down and thought maybe dressing like a girl was making Midoriya uncomfortable. Gently his hand moved and placed itself on the other's tanned shoulder.
“Are ye sure yer alright with doin’ all this? I ken I begged fer help and shite, but ye can back out. I'll figure out somethin’ else.”

As much as the hand on his shoulder made him more flustered, the words from the blonde melted him. Midoriya shrugged and smiled softly.
“I want nothing more than to help you Kacchan. This is a little embarrassing but I don't really mind it.”

“But yer uncomfortable.” Bakugou pointed out as he looked at the other in the mirror

Midoriya looked to the side unable to bare seeing those eyes on him.
“Not uncomfortable. Um nervous.” He told him

“Why?” Bakugou asked quietly

“Because Kacchan is seeing me like this. It'll just take some time to get used to.” Midoriya shrugged shyly

Bakugou frowned and let his warm hand drop back to his side.
“I'm makin’ ye nervous.”

“Well the room is small and I'm going to be half naked in a moment so… I was like that when Aoyama was helping me! I'm just self conscious.” Midoriya rushed to explain because he didn't want the blonde thinking it was just him

Bakugou didn't seem convinced.
“Mm. Then I'll leave.” He said, turning towards the curtain

Midoriya nodded not looking at the other
“I'll hurry then. Sorry.” He said

“Dinnae apologize Bookworm.” Bakugou said as he left

Midoriya looked towards the other.
“All… right.” He said quiet at the end since the Prince wasn't there to hear him


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