The Room Next Door.

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Midoriya trailed after the blonde happily. They walked through the streets until they got to a more shady part of the kingdom. Midoriya frowned a little as he saw people looking towards them, but he said nothing. He assumed Bakugou was leading them to where he was staying but surely the blonde wouldn't pick a place where they would be in danger. Bakugou glanced around glaring at anyone that stared at Midoriya too long. He will burn this place down if someone even thinks about sex trafficking the other. They finally make it to the inn that Bakugou stayed in the previous night. Midoriya blushed when he saw two people making out near the door. They're out in the daylight.

Well it was nearly night time now, but still. How scandalous. They went past the two ladies and into the worn down inn. Bakugou immediately went for the stairs that were towards the left of the front desk and Midoriya followed him to the second floor. The room they entered was decent but definitely not as good as his mother's inn. The bed had seen better days and Midoriya tries not to think about its past inhabitants. Bakugou set the bags on the small table in the corner as Dynama hopped off Midoriya’s shoulder to take her place on the tall dresser after lighting the candles. There wasn't a closet or anything else in the room.

“Um Kacchan, there's only one bed.” Midoriya said looking towards the blonde who was taking off his weapons to set then on the table next to the bags

“Duh.” Bakugou said undoing the belt that his sword was sheathed to

“I'll go ask for a futon.” Midoriya said walking back to the door

Bakugou snorted.
“This shite hole doesnae have that.” He leaned his weapon against the wall next to the table

“Well where am I supposed to sleep?” Midoriya sighed turning back around

Bakugou placed the rest of his smaller weapons on the table and took off his jacket.
“Tha bed moron.” He rolled his eyes

Midoriya blushed.
“But what about-”

The Prince looked over at him with a blank expression.
“Ye shared a bed with me before, what's tha problem now?” He asked

Midoriya shrugged and leaned off the door to walk towards the bed.
“There's no problem, I just thought Kacchan would want a bed for himself.” He said

Bakugou rolled his eyes again as he walked towards the bed too.
“I dinnae care, Bookworm.” He said plopping on one side

Midoriya who was standing at the foot of the bed watched him as he turned over on his back.
“Oh, alright.” He said

“I'm definitely sleeping in my clothes though.” The smaller added as he walked around to the otherside of the bed

“Good idea.” Bakugou shrugged watching the other take off his sword and lean it against the wall along with his shoes

Once Midoriya got in bed, after blowing out the candles, they faced opposite directions while Dynama curled up at their feet. Midoriya felt awkward yet again, but the heat from Bakugou and Dynama sleeping on his feet calmed him down. The blonde had already closed his eyes but wasn't asleep yet even though he was pretty tired. The sun had traded places with the moon as seen outside the window just above their heads. Moonlight seeped into the room through the cracked glass, but it was still fairly dark. Midoriya was nearly asleep when he heard something that made him tense. It was a thud, then another, and another.

He worried something was wrong and he nearly got up to grab his sword until a very clear moan could be heard through the paper thin wooden wall. Midoriya’s face flushed in the dark as his shoulders hiked up to his ears. Dynama seemed unaffected as she continued to snooze and Bakugou didn't shift or make any indication that he had heard the noise. Midoriya thought he was the only one who could hear what was going on in the next room over. He's sure the blonde is asleep but his mouth spoke before he could stop himself.

“K- Kacchan are they-” He couldn't finish his sentence so the other turned over

“Fuckin’?” Bakugou asked and Midoriya didn't move but he nodded his head hoping the Prince could see him well enough

Bakugou scoffed
“Yeah, just ignore it.” He told him

Midoriya whipped his head around.
“Ignore it?!”

Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“Dinnae act so scandalized. Ye've heard worse.”

Midoriya's face was red as he sat up, one arm supporting his weight.
“I have not!” He told him

Bakugou frowned.
“Seriously? It's just sex.”

Midoriya was so flustered he could barely get out his next words.
“Of c- course I have not! H- have you?” He asked trying to divert the attention off of himself

“Course. It's a natural thing ye Bookworm.” Bakugou flicked his forehead

Midoriya pouted and rubbed at the spot with his other hand.
“I… I know that but…”

Bakugou smirked.
“Ye feel all warm hearin' them go at it?” He asked

“Kacchan.” Midoriya whined as he plopped back on the bed

Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“Like I said, just ignore it. Once ye're asleep ye winnae even register it.”

Midoriya sighed.
“Okay. Just never heard that. Can't believe you have.”

Bakugou shrugged.
“Happens in the street all the time. Saw my parents fuck. Not a big deal.”

Midoriya nodded understandingly.
“I guess it's just more inappropriate where I live. I mostly grew up in Chuushu.”

“Prude.” Bakugou teased

“I'm not!” Midoriya huffed

“Shut it.” The Prince said as he yanked Midoriya towards his chest

The smaller squeaked as his cheek met the warm skin of Bakugou’s neck. His heart was beating fast and he wasn't sure what to do as he swallowed hard. Bakugou isn't sure why he pulled Midoriya this close but it just felt right. He's also tired and the smaller wasn't just going to shut up about the stupid noise next door. Bakugou thought maybe this was the best way to distract him. Midoriya was definitely distracted. He hesitantly hugged around Bakugou, testing the waters and when the blonde didn't get mad he settled a little. He moved his head a little so he could breathe better so his cheek was pressed against Bakugou's collar bone. This was almost too much for both of them.

“Go ta sleep.” Bakugou told him

“Alright Kacchan. Goodnight.” Midoriya said shyly

“Goodnight Bookworm.” Bakugou said quietly


Sorry if things feel slow. I write about 1-2k of words to make it where I'm not overwhelmed and so I can have a consistent schedule. Don't wanna leave you hanging for weeks. Anyway thank you so much for reading! Star and follow for more content 😊.

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