The Prince And The Peasant Share A Dance.

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Definitions (may not be super accurate):
Hoore = whore.
Bastart = bastard.
Èirich = rise/get up.
Dansa = dance.
Ceòl = music.
Hermaður = Warriors/soldiers.


Izuku was not a good dancer and he's faced the dark lord but this guy is making him so uncomfortable. How can any woman stand to be in his presence? They should be paid to put up with him. Dear Gods, his wife must be happy when he leaves the house. Izuku is trying to keep up with the dance that definitely wasn't with the music. He kept tripping a little which only made Takaramono pull him closer. Izuku had to awkwardly pretend he loved it so as to not cause an argument. Making a scene would look bad especially if Katsuki was supposed to choose him.

They've made small talk and Izuku has made up an answer for every question the older man has asked. His red eyes kept looking at his chest, his soft hands were too low on his waist, and his mouth was too close to his ear. Izuku wanted to push him away but he couldn't, not in front of so many people. That was until the man pulled back and spun Izuku into a dip. The smaller was shocked, but when he was lifted back up he tensed.

“Ye should really join me at tha nearest brothel. I always get tha best room there.” Takaramono smirked an unfortunately handsome smirk

Izuku was not amused, in fact he was offended and scandalized. The man was not only propositioning someone way too young for him, but he had the audacity to place his hand on Izuku's ass in front of the crowd of royals and peasants alike. How embarrassing. How degrading. Before Izuku could think his hand moved on its own and a slap was heard echoing through the Great Hall  The music stopped and so did Katsuki who was making his way towards them. People stared with wide eyes as Izuku realized what he did. All For One had spread across his skin and put some power behind the slap. Not enough to knock the guy over but enough to already leave a red welt on the older man's face.

“How dare ye slap me ye hoore!” Takaramono said and Izuku flinched

He had just embarrassed the man by slapping him and insulted him with that obvious rejection. Izuku was a peasant and currently a woman. To Takaramono he should be thankful of the offer even though a man like him would just fuck and leave. Still, he's royal so it should be considered an honor to be propositioned by him. If Izuku looked like his regular self this wouldn't be a big deal. They would fight then things would be swept under the rug because Izuku could definitely kick his ass. As a woman he couldn't do anything. All For One powered down as the man approached him. Izuku was silent, but he stood his ground, staring the man down.

“Ye'll be punished fer that. Then ye'll spend all yer time in a hoore house cause that's all ye'll be good fer.” He threatened as he raised a hand to slap Izuku in return and he was ready to take it

Except it never hit him and when he glanced to his left Katsuki was there holding the older guy's wrist.
“Enough ye bastart.” He sneered

The blonde shoved his hand back
“S’That how ye treat a guest of tha throne, much less a boireannach?” He asked as Takaramono held his hand close to his chest as if the other had hurt him

“Ma Prince, this woman assaulted me.” He accused Izuku

The smaller was about to speak up when red eyes met his then glared back at Takaramono.
“All I saw was ye makin’ ‘er uncomfortable an’ touchin’ ‘er aurse.” Katsuki said

Takaramono blubbered.
“That is wildly untrue ma Lord.” He shook his head

Katsuki stepped forward.
“Are ye really gonna argue with me?” He said lowly as his he started to slowly morphed into his hybrid form

His tail sprouted from his lower back and wings protruded from between his shoulder blades along with matching horns growing from his forehead. Scales spread across his skin as he grew larger in height and in bulk. His teeth were sharp and his lips lifted to show them off.

Takaramono's eyes went wide as He stepped back.
“N- No, ma prince.” He said with a bow

“Then fuck off an’ I better nae catch ye with another guest.” Katsuki snarled

Takaramono flinched and nodded.
“Yes, ma Liege.” He bowed again then rushed off as people watched

Katsuki scoffed and turned back to his regular self, rolling his shoulders to relax. Izuku smiled as the blonde looked towards him. He bowed, making sure to curtsy properly in front of the crowd that was still looking at them. There was an image that needed to be upheld.

“Thank you for saving me Prince Bakugou.” Izuku said looking up at him through his longer eyelashes

The blonde shook his head.
“Èirich.” He demanded so the smaller did so

Katsuki held out a hand.
“Why dinnae we dansa?” He asked

Izuku smiled again and took the hand that held it out to him.
“I would be honored.” He blushed

Katsuki looked towards the band.
“Then play tha damn ceòl.” He commanded

The band started playing again and as music floated through the air people continued to dance like nothing ever happened. Katsuki pulled Izuku into a dance. His hand placed itself on his waist while the older stayed in his hand. Izuku put his free hand on Katsuki's shoulder just under the fur cloak. Their eyes met as he moved across the stone, both of their shows making a tap.

Izuku blushed and glanced away.
“Sorry about that Kacchan. I didn't mean to make a big scene.” He said

Katsuki shrugged as they sidestepped.
“Dinnae care. Besides, after that I think it'll make sense when I pick ye.” He told him

Izuku looked confused because how could that situation make him a good candidate now.
“How?” He asked

“If I had ta pick, dinnae ye think I’d pick someone feisty?” Katsuki smirked as he spun them

Izuku tried to keep up without tripping or stepping on the other's feet.
“I guess.” He agreed

Katsuki decided to elaborate as people side-eyed them.
“I’d need a strong boireannach, ready to fight if it came down to it. We're hermaður.” He told him

“The women here are already like that though.” Midoriya said glancing at the people who were silently judging them

Katsuki leaned in to whisper.
“But ye are nae from here are ye?” He said glaring at a guest who was staring too long

Izuku blushed a little as he looked up at the other and shook his head.
“No. I get it now.” He said, looking up at the other who's gaze found him again

Katsuki knew he was looking at Izuku. In a lot of ways this female version didn't look much different from the regular Izuku but a few things had changed. Subtle differences he can see now that he's up close and in his space. His jaw was softer, more round, his lips were thicker and more pink, his lashes were longer and more dense, his cheeks a little more chubby, his hair now hung at her waist. Visually Izuku was beautiful like this. Katsuki is sure lots of people would agree. He has that more innocent fair lady look but Katsuki preferred the rough, tough, slightly tan, loose clothes wearinf, Izuku that he knew. That he grew up with.


I'm sorry if the way Bakugou speaks isn't consistent. I'm really trying. I just forget and I'm too lazy to go back and read lol. I want him and his parents to all speak similar but different, especially his mother but it's so many words 😭. Thank you so much for reading! Star and follow for more content 😊.

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