Uravity's Potions, Crystals, and Shit.

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The next day, Izuku was off. He kissed his mother goodbye and made his way to Hensou, which was a town much like the one he resigned in. However people there were a little more, how do you say, shady. It's not dangerous criminals, but I will definitely scam you out for your money or steal your things. The most violent thing that's happened in Hensou was when a gang was in town and they beat up a guy for not giving them their money in time. Other than that, it's not that bad of a town. Midoriya hummed to himself as he walked into the village that he's been to many times and headed towards a shop called Uravity's Potions, Crystals, and Shit. The sign was brightly colored and next to the same was a bubbling cauldron with a few crystals sitting around it.

Midoriya pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside, seeing lots of display cases with many types of rocks, minerals, and crystals. All were uniform and labeled. Near the register on the left side against the wall was a shelf of small bags. Those contained powders of many kinds. Some are rare substances that are used to make potions while others are just ground up herbs. They are also to make potions but not always. Speaking of herbs, on the right side, just past the door behind the counter was another shelf filled with labeled jars. Most were herbs, but others had different, harder to get things like dragon scales and teeth from a sheepshead fish. Uraraka has everything a herbalist, alchemist, or apothecary would need. Midoriya hoped she could help him, so he hit the bell that sat on the wooden counter and looked at the walk behind it.

There were shelves of potions, each labeled like everything else in the shop. Midoriya wondered if she would use one of those or have to brew a special one. The front door opened, the little bell above it jiggled gently and made Midoriya look over his shoulder to see Bakugou stepping in with Dynama perched the fluff of his shoulder. When needed, she could shrink small enough to fit in the blonde's pocket. However, they both preferred her to be her regular size, but so as to not make a big scene in town, Midoriya assumed they decided to have her shrink and travel on his shoulder. It was cute, and it made Midoriya smile as he turned to greet them.

“I guess you got my letter.” He said, earning a grunt and a nod

“Why‘er we here?” Bakugou asked

Honestly, he thought about coming here anyway. Uraraka was someone they could trust and ask for help. She would die to keep a secret, and that's the kind of loyalty Bakugou needed right now.

“Oh well Uraraka and I are good at making potions so I thought if we work together she and I could come up with something to you know turn me into a girl or at least make me look more feminine on the outside.” Midoriya gestured to himself

Bakugou smirked as he stepped closer. He liked it when they were on the same page.
“Good idea, Bookworm.” He said

Midoriya blushed a little as their familiar friend popped up in front of them on her broom.
“Hey guys. I missed you!” She smiled and hopped off to stand behind the counter

“Woah, hey Uraraka.” Midoriya smiled back as the blonde beside him grunted in acknowledgment

“So what brings you here?” Uraraka asked as she leaned on the counter, making her pointy slouched hat tilt to the side

Bakugou and Midoriya glance between each other like they were having a telepathic conversation, and then they both looked towards Uraraka. Midoriya began explaining everything to her, and though she was shocked, she too understood why Bakugou would want to do this. However, she had a lot of questions because it was a pretty crazy plan.

“So you need a potion to transform you into a woman, huh?” Uraraka said as she tapped her chin just above the tall collar of her cape

Midoriya nodded.
“Yeah. We thought maybe we should do something to make it really convincing. Dressing up won't be enough to fool them.” He shook his head

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