Chapter Sixteen

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I wanted to follow him.

But he was walking way too fast for me to keep up, plus I didn't want to push my limits when it came to Cameron Serrano. It was apparent he needed some space. But if I was honest with myself I didn't want to give it to him. I wanted to get right into his face and take exactly what he was offering.

But there were complications with that offer. And one of them was his views on all us Alphas. If I allowed myself to agree to his wild suggestion wouldn't that just prove to him that as an Alpha I wanted sex instead of his friendship?

I couldn't do it. Plus Tristan was another factor. He was my cousin; he was Cam's best friend. No way in hell would I allow something to tear a rift between us and causing Tristan to feel like he needed to choose between the two of us. It was too risky.

On the other hand it also sounded like a good ass option for Cam, since it gets him away from the bars and clubs where something like that night wouldn't happen again. And I could be someone he can trust to keep him safe throughout the deal.

It was a mindfuck to be honest.

I needed to think it thoroughly and so did he.

I couldn't just jump in without him being one hundred percent sure its what he wanted. I didn't mean to make him feel embarrassed or humiliated, I just didn't want to dive into something knowing he would regret the decision after some time.

I needed to think. I needed some time. But most of all I needed to find a place where I can relax and get my head straight. And there was only place like that. It wasn't usually my day, but it wouldn't hurt to show up unexpectedly.

Heading back inside I go get ready to leave and grab the gifts I've been holding onto all week. I was going to wait until my next visit but since I'm showing up anyways might as well take it with me now.

Forty minutes later I pull into the parking lot and head for the entrance. I smile when I hear laughter and yelling in the courtyard. It was a bright sunny day with a cool breeze. As soon as I open the gate I smile hugely when Logan squeals out, "Sia is here!"

Immediately all the kids attention turns to me, and I brace myself for the impact as they all collided right in my chest and legs, knocking me down anyways from the sheer impact of their little bodies. Laughing, I grunt when an elbow or two connects with my ribs and stomach.

"What are you doing here?" Trinity asks with a cute little scrunch to her nose as she sits up staring down at me.

Gently getting all the kids off me I sit there on the grass and look at her. With a smile I say, "I just wanted to come by and see you guys. I had time so I figured why not." I shrug.

"Are those gifts?!" Logan cries out seeing the bag that was mindlessly thrown to the ground from their over excited welcome.

With a grin I stand up and take the bag back into my hand. "Sure is, how about we all head inside so I can pass them out."

With that they all rushed to the front door shoving one another to get inside first. Shaking my head I follow but I falter when I see London outside sitting on the bench underneath the big oak tree that was against the tall brick wall that surrounded half the property.

Shock at seeing her sitting there and out of the room for once I noticed she was drawing on a sketch pad completely lost into her own little world. I was about to head in her direction until the loud voices of the others brought my attention back to the other kids. I should hand them their gifts first before interrupting the young teenager.

As I walked into the large spacious living room I smile as a volunteer was reading a story to the much younger children. They hung on to every word she spoke as she showed them the pictures that was in the book. The older lady doesn't even see me as I walk past them and into the dining hall where the older kids gathered.

They sat at one of the long dining tables unmindful of the other kids that were either doing weekend homework, reading on their own, or having a snack. They talked over themselves as they waited for me. It wasn't that I didn't want to bring the other kids gifts as well, it was just these four have been here for years with no one adopting them.

Honestly, I don't understand why. They were amazing kids, and they deserved a home and family as anyone else did. The other kids never stayed for too long before leaving the orphanage. Standing to the table I put the heavy bag on top with a thump getting their attention.

"Before I give these to you, I need to know if you all -"

"We did all our chores, homework is completed, beds are made, rooms are clean, and we helped Mrs. Lawson with the garden this morning!" Logan was quick to reply before I even got the rest of my sentence out.

Shaking my head with a chuckle I look to Chelsea, who was the oldest of the group, to confirm he was telling the truth. She just nods. I always ask them what they've done throughout the week to earn the gifts I provide, and it looks like it was beginning to stick.

I quickly hand them each the thing I bought to their liking. They said their thank you, gave me a hug and ran off to show off their new toys to each other. They never showed them to the other kids, and I knew it was because they understood the feeling of being left out. Bless their little hearts for understanding that at such a young age. I take the last gift that was inside and headed back out.

London was still sitting there, still drawing away but this time she wasn't alone. I stop and stare at the person who was now sitting next to her watching what she was drawing. I couldn't quite comprehend what I was seeing.

What the hell was Cameron doing here at Little Creek Orphanage?

And London wasn't bothered by him at all. It was like she knew him just as well as she knew me. She was even allowing him to watch her draw which was a huge deal. London was picky when it came to the people she talked too, and she hated showing her progress to anyone that she didn't feel comfortable with.

Which had my mind reeling to know that the two of them were so casual together. He was so focused on her and the drawing, and he talked to her every other minute that it gave me a chance to just watch him in his element.

He was relaxed against the wooden bench wearing a soft burgundy long sleeve that showed his physique quite well, paired with dark blue jeans with cuffs at the ankles and converse shoes. His hair was swept to the side as if he kept shoving his fingers through it while his skin glowed.

He was beautiful.

My gut twisted painfully when the unwelcome thought of someone else having him, touching him, making him theirs in all the ways I wanted too hit me like a train wreck. I quickly back up into the door frame, slightly hiding from their view as I continue to watch them. And I knew there was no thinking about it.

There was no way I could allow some other Alpha to get him off when he needed it. I was so fucked, and I knew what my answer to his offer was going to be. But now I had to convince him to accept my apology of how I reacted this morning and caused him the embarrassment he felt when I turned him down.

I just hoped he wasn't going to go back on his offer to choose me when he could have asked anyone else in the world. How anyone could have mistreated him was beyond me. I stiffen when he suddenly stands up, patting her on the shoulder and starts heading in my direction.

I quickly head inside, my heart pounding wildly as I contemplate on what to do now. I wasn't sure why I was trying to hide from him, but I couldn't let him find out I was here even though I was here first.

But I don't get a chance to sneak out the back when Mary comes out of nowhere and takes my hand. Looking down at her she smiles big as she asks, "Can you play with me, Sia?"

I don't even get to answer as I hear in a disbelieved voice, "Sia? What the hell are you doing here?"

And just like that I was stuck in between answering the two of them.

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