Part 19 - Soundless

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I knew from the second I walked back into the party, after the heated conversation I had with Harry in one of Akira's many rooms, that there was something everyone at this party had that I didn't have. An ability, a gift, possibly paranormal. It was the power to walk amongst everyone else without a sound, to move in silence and glide past people so quietly that they do not notice your passing presence. Only leaving behind the sinister aroma and the eerie sensation as residue in the air, trails of ominous energy and the ashes of the thievery and deception used on their past victims noticeable by smell, by touch. But you could never see it.

When I sought to do something, could I move with such perilous grace? I stood against a wall by the archway that leads to an outdoors section of the party. My mind had the time to wander, and also the space, as people were staying away from my silent, disinteresting presence. I watched the people around me charm each other, socialize with one another, and collectively they produced a chorused sound of conversation that bled through the noise of the live piano. To me, those that inhabited this spacious living area were all the same. A crowd of predatory animals dressed in human flesh, and they could lash out and rip one another apart if the moment presented itself.

My big, brown eyes find Harry in a crowd of people, his back faced the familiar body belonging to Mr. Yung. The two men were busy in separate conversation. Harry seemed to be zeroing in on something his conversation partner was saying. His head lowered and his pale eyes moved side to side as he listened attentively to the man suited in maroon fabric. It wasn't someone I recognized. He then leaned back away, standing up straight, his hands pressing against each other as he clasped them. In was a gesture of gratitude, because right after he took the man's hand in a mutual handshake. The man then walks away, and another takes his place. It seemed the crowd was waiting to speak to him, patiently. Every exchange was like routine, the same habits, gestures, and expressions being used. He didn't falter whether the other person was visibly threatening, sinister, or malicious or very graceful, careful, and kind. It seemed there could only be one kind of person, and to Harry, he saw that. So that's why every interaction was the same. Because that malicious person could be graceful, and certainly careful.

There was a champagne glass in my hand. The cool glass touched the pads of my fingers. I gazed around the room as Akira began to make a toast. As she's doing so, Harry and I locked eyes. He stands somewhere across from me, at the other side of the party. His expression was neutral. Not a single detail of his face contorted or altered at the sight of me. He kept a perfectly still demeanor, his arm raising his own champagne glass in the air as Akira tore through her speech eagerly, executing every point she made perfectly. She didn't strike me as someone who felt like they needed to prepare their speech in front of a mirror every night for a week. It was not consistent with everything else in her character. But what was consistent of Harry was his constant ease, the eeriness of his calmness. He meant everything he said, and he could get away with saying nothing if he didn't want to speak sincerely. Because whatever happened, he knew he couldn't be beaten.

I saw that in his eyes, the ones that usually reveal nothing. His pink, heart-shaped lips appeared to curve at a joined corner, the beauty mark by his lip shifting upwards with the movement of his facial muscles. Steadily, I stared back at him and motionless, expressionless. My head turns and I quickly look away seconds later, raising my own arm to toast with the rest of the room. I looked at him again, and he was still watching me. This time, he was grinning casually, like he enjoyed my wavering response. He shook his head, finding me entertaining. I tilted my head and squinted my eyes, now displaying my irritation with him. As everyone lowered their glasses to their mouths and took sips from their glass, I watched Harry practically swallow his entire glass with one gulp, his eyes never leaving mine. His cheeks hollow as he swallows and he sets his jaw, casually looking at me still.

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