{∘☼‹✧◦The Waning Blood Moon◦✧›☼∘}

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(A/N: What if Crabby and CatNap switched places? (Idea from Sora_Storytime (they gave me a few ideas so expect a few more pings lol)




CatNap and DogDay had noticed how Crabby was getting even before the aftermath. She always held resentment towards the scientists and even some of the workers. CatNap guessed that it all festered and built up over time. Maybe if he had tried to do something before it all built up to be something that he couldn't talk his sister out of. But it was too late now.

This was the day the Prototype had told Crabby to be ready for. She would finally get their revenge against all who wronged her.

All was somewhat normal in the PlayCare on August 6th when a certain cat started attacking workers. Sirens began to go off  as blood was spilled on the ground of the factory. Screams started echoing from the workers as Crabby tore into them, their blood staining her fur. She threw one of the men into the wall with a crack as blood splattered on the wall behind him and he fell to the floor motionless. She snapped her head towards another worker before lunging at them and slamming them into the floor. The screams seemed to last forever as the raging cat continued her massacre.

"Wait, where's Crabby?" CatNap turned to the others. They were all grouped up trying to get both kids and adults to a safe area out of the PlayCare. "She's not coming, CatNap." Kickin said with a solemn look on his face. "I'm pretty sure she's the one causing all this!" Hoppy exclaimed, throwing her arm out to gesture at the chaos happening around them.

"We've gotta go, c'mon!" Bobby started down the hallway to the safe area. The others started to follow but CatNap hung back looking back at the main area of the PlayCare. DogDay looked back at him before seeing him run back to the main area and biting his tongue. "CatNap—! Shoot—! I'm gonna go after him guys! I'll be right back!" he shouted back at the others before going to chase down his friend.

DogDay could hear their faint protest of the group but didn't look back, not wanting to lose CatNap. He chased down the cat to the middle of the PlayCare before starting to slow down seeing CatNap standing seemingly staring at something. "CatNap! We have toâ€"" the words died halfway through his throat after seeing the scene in front of him.

Crabby was standing over a small pile of bodies with blood staining her fur as her eyes were thin circles of white that snapped up to return the gaze CatNap held on her. "CatNap." she said, in an oddly calm voice for the current situation, as she turned towards him. "Why the look?"

"You..." CatNap looked from his sister to the bodies on the floor, "Why did you...?"

"Because they did terrible things to me, to all of us." Crabby had changed from her former position to be standing at full height (where she was taller than both of the other toys) and vaguely gestured at the bodies scattered around the area. "But they didn't deserve this!" DogDay exclaimed from next to CatNap, making Crabby turn her attention to him. "They didn't?" She tilted her head at him with her question sounding flat. "Tell me one reason they didn't then."

DogDay was quiet, maybe it was the shock of the situation of a person he had once seen as a sister standing above the bodies she had torn apart or maybe he really couldn't come up with a reason for why the scientist didn't deserve a fate like this. "Exactly what I thought." Crabby shook her head lightly before continuing, while walking forward slowly to close the gap between her and the other two, "They treated us like animals and tore us apart for their experiments," She glanced back at the torn bodies of a scientist, "I just thought I'd return the favor."

"He convinced you, did he...?" CatNap spoke quietly as DogDay looked at him confused. "Oh the Prototype? He did, I suppose, just showed me how things were and should be." She shrugged slightly and DogDay growled slightly, how could she be so calm about this? "Anyways, I suppose since I can't convince you two onto my side, I'll have to get rid of you."

She didn't give them much time to process this before lunging at the two as the others had started to take all the adults left and kids through the tunnels as they heard another pair of screams echoed through the PlayCare.


Blood stained the walls and floor as Crabby was staring down at the six pendants gripped tightly in her paw. Blood was smeared across the reflective surface of the pendants and she looked back at the bodies strewn across the floor of the tunnel including the six much larger bodies of various animals. Her ear flicked and she turned her head to see the transparent figure of a girl sitting on the ground with her knees pulled tight to her chest as her shoulders trembled.

Crabby only blinked at this before taking a step towards the figure. The girl didn't react and Crabby stopped a few feet away from her.

"What have we become?" The voice of the girl asked, turning to face Crabby. The cat's tail flicked as she only tilted her head at the girl who had a small frown on her face before she sighed and faded away. The small bit of light that the girl had brought with her disappeared and Crabby was left in the dark tunnel, alone once more.


Ten years had passed and two workers had come back to the factory after receiving a letter from Poppy. Crabby had been observing the two from the sides. Huggy and Mommy Long Legs had failed their task to stop the two workers and now it was Crabby's turn.

The two had also managed to free DogDay (and also find his legs-) and CatNap who they now had on their side. They would be no problem though. Crabby would be able to put a stop to these three before they could get far. And she'd make sure they wouldn't stop the Prototype's plan to free them all. It would just take time and some blood.


(A/N: Heheheheh this was fun to write >:3. I don't know if it turned out the greatest but eh-
And in this AU, Crabby is haunted by Thea herself! Yippee :D
Anywaysss, hope you enjoyed this and have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!)

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