{∘☼‹✧◦[no name cus I couldn't come up w/ one-]◦✧›☼∘}

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(A/N: Just some interactions with Pasha, Cassi, and Hopesong, cuz I have nothing else to write and why not in all honestly lol)

(Hopesong belongs to Sora_Storytime !)




Hopesong was wandering around the PlayCare with no real ultimate goal. She hummed to herself as kids ran around the area, shouting at each other as squeals and shouts of joy emanated from them all. Hopesong then stopped near where an orange haired man was sitting on the ground as a few kids crowded around him. Two of the girls were playing with his hair, braiding it loosely and then trying other styles while they giggled as the man simply sat and listened to the other children as they all were attempting to tell a cohesive story.

"And then the dragon flew right into space!" one of the boys threw his hands up into the air as a girl added, "And then he landed on the sun!"

"He couldn't land on the sun, Molly. He'd burn up immediately!" one of the other boys put his hands on his hips while he stared at the brown-haired girl who spoke first with a raised brow. The man chuckled at the kids before waving his hands, "Alright alright, let's all calm down. But Oliver, this is a fantasy story." He looked over at the boy who huffed and crossed his arms while he puffed out his cheeks, "Still, even a dragon wouldn't be able to get that close to the sun. Bubba said so."

"And is Bubba always right?" Pasha asked as he gave a small grin which made Oliver hunch his shoulders, "...nooo." he drew out the word before sighing. "Exactly, so let the others have their fun." He gestured at the other kids and Oliver let out a mix of a groan and a sigh. "Fiiine.'' He sat back down and listened as the others continued the story.

Hopesong was left with a confused look on her face. The man thought that Bubba wasn't right about this? But her uncle was always right! She was now determined to learn more about this worker, but she didn't want to interrupt his talk with the kids so she decided to go to one of the workers she trusted.

"Hey, Cassi?" The pegasus tapped the woman on the shoulder making the woman turn around to see Hopesong, "Oh, hi Hopesong! You need something?" Cassi set down the box she was carrying to focus on the plush-like experiment standing in front of her. "Sorta. I want to ask some questions about that reddish-orangish haired guy." She vaguely pointed at the man she was talking about, who was now talking with Kickin. "Oh, Pasha?" Cassi looked from the man to Hopesong, "Well the basic stuff is that he's one of the newer workers, and he has a sister who works in the tech area, but you said you had questions?" She picked up the box again and started walking towards the 'Home-Sweet-Home' building as Hoepsong walked beside her. "Yeah, he said something about Uncle Bubba not always being correct. Has he met him?! He knows everything!" Hopesong exclaimed as she used her hands to accentuate her words as Cassi hummed. "Well, is anyone really right about everything?" Cassi looked up at Hopesong who huffed, "Well..no I guess."

"Then there's that answer." Cassi chuckled lightly as she set the box down on the floor in one of the kids' rooms. She opened it and started taking out what looked to be clothing and decorations for the room. "Why don't you try and talk to him? He's actually pretty nice when you get to know him." Cassi gave Hopesong one last look before turning her attention back to the box and the things inside.

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