Chapter 06

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The day went on and compared to yesterday, he looked better. Just as he promised, he was taking care of himself while also pulling in customers. I couldn't just go out to see how he was doing so I had to sneak peak through the glass doors.

" Is he your boyfriend? ", one of my coworker asked and I stood up straight to face her.

" What makes you say that? ", I asked.

" No, well. You keep looking at him! Even yesterday you were so worried when he fell sick. ", she explained.

" Okay and? Won't you be worried for a friend who has to work in the summer heat? I'm just looking out for him, especially because he got this job through me. I feel responsible... ", I shrugged and hoped that my coworker would drop the topic.

" You can say all that but there's this sparkle in your eyes whenever you're looking for him. It's not just worry, there's something more. I can feel it. ", she said, rather dramatically.

" Take off your apron and go become a writer. What are you even talking about? ", I scoffed when a customer walked in so I went back to work.

I looked at my reflection on the ice cream glass door, wondering how my eyes look when I'm looking for him...


After work, me and Thomas started on our way back home. He kept telling me about the different types of people he met, the kids who ran to hug him and the foreigners who clicked pictures with him. We walked through the crowded road, enjoying the warm evening breeze.

" By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow? ", I asked and saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion.

" Tomorrow? It is still a weekday so I will just work, what else? "

" Work where? Tomorrow is a national holiday and all shops will be closed. ", I informed and a wide smile appeared on his face. I could see the relief on his face.

We reached the familiar street we live in and entered the house to find all the tenants gathered in the living room, with our landlady, Miss Rosalie, at the center.

" Ah, there you two are! We were actually waiting for you. Sit down. ", she called out to us. Me and Thomas exchanged puzzled glances before taking a seat among the group.

" As you all know, tomorrow is a holiday and it's been so long since we all went out together so we've decided to go on a picnic tomorrow! And since Donna and Thomas are the youngest ones here, it would be a great idea for them to plan the day for us...! ", she said and I was excited.

I've only been on one or two picnic with them and it was never anything fancy, but spending a day with them . Away from my own family, they fill up that blank space in my heart.

" Sure. Let's write down everything that we need. ", I said before taking up a notepad and scribbling down.

" I've never been on a picnic so I don't know exactly how to help, but I'll try anyway I can! ", Thomas turned to me.

" First things first, where do we go? ", I asked and everyone started looking up places to visit around the city.

" How about that Park by the Central Lake? It's got plenty of shade and a great view. ", Mr. Walter suggested.

" Oh, that sounds lovely! And we can have a little stroll around the lake. We should definitely go there. ", Miss Rosalie said and I noticed a serene smile on Mr. Walter's face.

" What about food? ", Thomas asked.

" I say we go all out with a classic picnic spread- sandwich, fruits, cheese and crackers, maybe some homemade soup. Ooh, and we can't forget dessert. We should bring some fresh-baked cookies and brownies. ", I suggested and everyone nodded.

" I'll bring out picnic blankets and baskets to carry everything. ", another one of our tenants added.

" Now, we should bring games to keep us entertained. Maybe we can carry a frisbee or a football? We can split into teams and play. ", Thomas said.

" That's for youngsters like you. We can't move around that much. Let's just add a deck of cards or some board games. ", Miss Rosalie said and I scribbled each idea down on paper.

" Miss Rosalie is right. Board games will be fun. ", Mr. Walter grinned.

Suddenly I felt a tug on my shirt and I turned around to Thomas pulling me closer to whisper in my ears;
" Hey, did you notice Mr. Walter's behaves around our landlady? "

" What do you mean? ", I asked

" I think he might have a crush on her. The way he looks at her, tries to impress her and agrees with every thing she says. It's obvious! ", he whispered back and I glanced over at Mr. Walter and Miss Rosalie, who were talking by themselves.

" Mr. Walter, would you like some more tea? Your tea cup is empty. ", our landlady asked as she placed her hand over Mr. Walter's shoulder.

" Oh, uh, y-yes, thank you, Miss Rosalie. I would love that... ", he nervously gave the cup back to her and watched as she walked back to the kitchen.

Now that I'm looking at him, I noticed the subtle glances to see Miss Rosalie. I never realised how nervous and fidgety he was around her.

" You know what? You might be onto something. Should we play cupid for them? ", I asked and he was suprised.

" We can do that? ", Thomas asked.

" Both of them are single. I don't see why we can't set them up for a date and what better day than tomorrow? ", I suggested and he nodded.

" Sounds like a plan. I'm in. "


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