Chapter 09

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The weekend passed by almost in a second and we were back to work on a Monday. The midday sun cast a warm glow through the windows of the ice cream parlor, but inside, the atmosphere was quiet and still. It was a slow day with barely any customers in the shop, so I decided to clean the counters while I wait.

Right then, the bell above the door jingled, which meant someone has just walked in. I looked up and found Thomas walking in his ice cream cone uniform, with the head piece in his hands. He flashed me a warm smile as he sat in front of me. I could see a hint of exhaustion in his eyes.

" Slow day today, huh? ", I sighed.

" Yeah, seems like it. I'll just hang around for a bit... ", he said before looking out at the road and drumming his his fingers against the table.

" Donna, since we have no customers, why don't you sit at the counter and slot the money where it needs to go. It's such a lovely morning and I don't stay in and work! ", the manager threw out a task to me before leaving the office.

It wasn't the first time he pushed off his work to his employee, so I was suprised or offended. I quietly moved to the counter and started working.

" Wait, stop! That's the manager's job! Why are you the one who has to do it? ", Thomas protested.

" It's not a big deal. Plus, I get an incentive for helping out. It's not that bad, I promise. ", I tried to reason out but he still had a frown on his face.

" That asshole! You're already over worked and he keeps dumping his stuff on you. ", Thomas muttered under his breath.

" He made you wear a body suit and outside in the summer heat. You should be angry at him for the what he's making you do. Why are you angry at him on my behalf? ", I asked.

" I don't know. I don't like it when he bosses you around or scolds you. ", he pouted and I couldn't help but smile.

The day went by and Thomas headed outside to bring in more customers. However, no one seemed to be in a mood for ice cream on a Monday so we barely got any more customers.

" I don't think anyone is coming through tha door anymore. I'll leave early so you all can close the shop and leave after me. ", the manager said and almost instantly, all my coworkers clocked out.

Leaving me alone in the shop.

I stepped out to check on Thomas and found him sitting on the pavement.

" Why are you down there? ", I asked and he looked up at me like a puppy.

" I'm just waiting for my shift to get over, I'm tired. ", he shrugged and I quickly pulled him up on his feet.

" The entire shop is empty. Do you want an ice cream before I close it up for today? ", I offered and Thomas waddled inside, excitedly.

I went behind the counter and asked;
" What would you like to try? "

" We have the entire shop to us, why don't we try a bit of everything? ", he suggested and I handed him a spoon. He walked behind the counter with me and we started eating spoonful of every flavour. Some were absolutely tasty while the others were weird.

While working, I've already tasted every flavour of ice cream that is available in our shop but watching Thomas' expression change with each spoon was more fun.

After much deliberation, I scooped up a spoonful of creamy vanilla bean while Thomas opted took a chocolate fudge and mint chip.

" I've already tasted everything in this shop so take it as professional advice, this is the best! ", I suggested.

Thomas watched me with a smile on his face. " I'm all for professional advice but yours is just boring. My version of mix and match ice cream is the best, try it for yourself. "

Thomas forwarded his hands towards me and I opened my mouth. Instead, the spoon landed on my lips before cascading down my chin and then onto my uniform.

" Oh no! ", Thomas exclaimed with his eyes widened in horror. Before I could do something about the mess, he gently pressed his thumb on my lips and wipe the ice cream off.

I blinked in surprise while I felt all the blood flow up to my face, turning my face all red. " I-It's okay, you don't- "

" I ruined your uniform, let me clean it up or else the manager will scold you for my mistake. ", Thomas said as he moved even closer to me. He took a bunch of tissue and rubbed it down my throat to my chest.

His eyes met mine and in a instant, he realised what he was doing and quickly pulled away his hands.

" I must have gone crazy. I- I didn't mean to- ", Thomas stammered while backing away from me.

" Don't worry about it, Thomas. I'll just go to the washroom and clean myself up... ", I said before letting out an awkward laugh and rushing inside the shop's washroom.

Standing in front of the mirror, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. I splashed some cool water against my face and dabbed the sticky remnants off my shirt.

The ice cream dissolved away but despite my best efforts, I couldn't stop thinking about Thomas's touch that still lingered on my skin.

" Get it together, Donna. ", I said to my own reflection, my voice barely above a whisper. " He has mentioned it multiple times that he is going to marry Hannah! You two are friends, so I beg you, don't make this into something that it's not. "

With a final glance in the mirror, I fixed my hair and walked back out of the washroom. I saw Thomas standing by the door, now in his usual clothes, waiting for me to come out.

I forced a smile on my face, trying my best to show him that it wasn't a big deal. We closed the shop and headed back home.


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