Chapter 15

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The rain had started unexpectedly so I was caught in the rain. I usually always carry an umbrella with me but today it was no match for the downpour. By the time I reached the front steps of my meek rent house, I was thoroughly drenched.

I pushed open the door with a shiver.

Before walking in through the living room, I peeled off the wet coat and picked up my waterlogged shoes. The warm towel was kept on the table so I quickly wrapped it around me, before walking into the kitchen.

Inside, I saw Miss Rosalie and Mr. Walter bustling around the stove. The kitchen was filled with rich, savory aroma. The old landlady stirred the pot, while he chopped the vegetables.

" Looks like you got caught in the rain... ", Miss Rosalie said as she noticed me walk in. " Go ahead and sit down for dinner. I've made beef stew and I think it's perfect for the first rain of this year. "

I gave them a smile before turning around and seeing Thomas walking down the stairs. He looked like he got caught in the rain as well and probably reached home early to change into dry clothes.

I quickly averted my gaze.

The rest of the tenants joined me at the dining table and I watched Thomas sit on a seat opposite to mine, and started moving around the napkins and cutlery, to avoid me. The others seemed to notice but no one brought it up because everyone was excited about the steaming pot of stew, along with fresh bread.

" The beef stew is amazing Miss Rosalie but I'm a little curious about you and Mr. Walter. Why are you two always together? ", one of the tenants asked and we all watched her face turn red from embarrassment.

" Well... Walter and I are dating. "

A collective gasp went around.

I looked back at the time me and Thomas used to play cupid for the two old souls and now they are dating! Excitedly, I looked at Thomas and saw him already looking at me.

Right then, he probably remembered about our fought and turned away. The atmosphere was cheerful in the kitchen but I could feel the suffocating tention between us.

" I think I'll call it a night. Good night everyone... ", I said before pushing my chair back. As I was about to leave, I heard Thomas clear his throat.

" Well, I have an announcement too. You all have been a wonderful host to me and I will always have fond memories of everyone here, but I'll be leaving the rent house tomorrow. ", he announced and everyone gasped at his sudden revelation.

" Thomas, why? ", Miss Rosalie asked.

" Did something happen between you two? It looks like you had a fight? ", Mr. Walter said, leaning forward.

Thomas looked at me and I saw the hesitation in his eyes, before nodding his head to say yes. " We did have a disagreement, but that's not the only reason. When I came here, I wanted to earn money by my own merrit and today, I achieved that dream... It also looks like someone is getting tired of me. She hates me being around her. "

" Oh, You and Donna have been so good together. How can you you leave and part ways with her now? ", The landlady asked and everyone agreed.

Mr. Walter added, " How can you two part ways? Especially when you were the ones who set up the date for us? "

" You knew? ", me and Thomas asked them unanimously and they smiled.

" Of course we knew! You think we don't know about the flower gardens where couples go on a dates? You think we didn't see you two spying on us through the bushes? ", he said and I felt a little stupid. Thomas ran a hand through his hair, sighing deeply.

" I'm sorry. I know you all want me to stay but it doesn't change the fact that I need to leave. I don't want to cause any one anymore trouble. ", Thomas said, looking straight at me, making it obvious who he was referring to.

I was already in pain because he didn't like me back but the thought of him leaving was unbearable. Over the two weeks, he had become a part of my daily routine. He became my habit.

" Excuse me. ", I mumbled as I bit my lip, trying my best to not let the tears spill. I turned around and walked out of the kitchen, back to my room.


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