Chapter 2

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Greens P. O.V

I drove to Purple's house and got out of my car. I walked up to the door and knocked twice really fast and hard, knowing that it's our secret code and meant for him to come down as fast as possible.

Sure enough, he came to the door almost immediately. He opened the door and gave me a huge hug when he saw me. "Hey babe" I whispered in his ear. "Hey," he whispered back. Then he stepped back and looked at me. His eyes started to tear up and he said " I'm sorry". "What for?" I asked. "I-i ruined your special day. I made it all about me a-and" he started to break down. I immediately wrapped him in a comforting hug. "Shh shh, it's not your fault. Actually I'm glad you did that." He stepped back and looked at me. "R-really" I smiled at my boyfriend. "Of course. I couldn't have married while dating you. I was planning on divorcing him after a few months but you just got it over with quicker. Now we don't have to hide our relationship and things will be better this way."

He squinted at me. "But what about-" "Ah ah ah", I said "This is about us, not the person I was supposed to marry." 

He sighed "Okay, fine" "Hey Green!" Minty said. Purple's mom walked up to me and hugged me. "How are you love" she said, stepping away and giving me a once over. "I'm fine Minty" I responded. She gestured for us to come in

As soon as I walked in I was pulled to the side by a hand. I yelped and spun around, only to see M.T behind me. "Dude what are you doing?" I said He gave me a look and said "I can't believe, you of all people  would cheat. Especially on your soon to be husband and with my son." I glared back and said "That's none of your business." "Yes it is," he retorted "Purple has  been really upset about it and I don't know how upset the groom must be feeling" I snorted "Please, Second's been through worse." He sighed "I sure hope so because-" He stopped abruptly. "M-M.T? Are you okay?" He shuddered and then bits of him started turning into dust and flying away. He tried to walk but ended up falling and more and more of him turned to dust. I heard Purple scream and a thud from upstairs, most likely Minty falling as well. I couldn't stop watching as M.T faded away slowly. I finally worked up the movement to run outside, and what I saw shocked me. People were fading away all over the place and the shrieks were deafening. Purple had run outside too and stopped short, staring at the spectacle. I immediately got hundreds of texts from my band mates and the rest of the CG. Blue and Yellow were panicking, saying their parents had faded away right in front of their faces and they couldn't do anything. Blue had said that potions weren't working and that they needed help. Purple was still staring at the few people fading away in shock. He wasn't even aware of the tears streaking his face. 

I shook him out of his trance. He looked at me tears streaking his face. "She just turned into dust and I couldn't do.... anything." I wrapped him in another hug. "It's going to be okay, we just need to find the guys and figure out what to do. We've been through worse." He took a breath and wiped his face. "Yeah you're right." he said. "I'm texting the guys to meet at Seconds house" "Won't he be mad if we just show up at his door. Especially considering the wedding." "It'll be fine" I said. "It has to be."

Seconds P.O.V

I stared at the paper in disbelief. How had that happened and what do they mean "beware"?  Suddenly I heard a crash come from my living room. "Bro I told you to be careful" I heard Yellow say. "It was an accident. Besides, who left it there where someone could bump into it," I heard Blue retort. I walked in and saw everyone standing there in my living room.

Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, everyone was here except........Red. But I didn't have time to worry about that because the two traitors were standing in my living room. "You." I glared at Purple and Green. "Look we're really sorry for what we did but now is not the time." Green says. "Of course it's the time, you left me at the altar for that, that.." I gestured to Purple. " I know and I'm sorry but it wouldn't be the right thing to do. Plus, your heart belongs to someone else." "No it doesn't" I hissed, about to start a full blown fight but Yellow stepped in. "I know yall have dirty laundry to air but now really isn't the time. We have more important things to deal with." "Yeah like the fact everyone has turned to dust!" Blue interrupted. "  Wait, what?" I said. "Yeah, everyone except us turned to dust" said Yellow. "But why?" I asked. They shared a look. "We don't know" said Purple, the first words he had said in my presence. " I don't believe this." I said "This is just an elaborate prank you guys are playing on me just to make me feel bad."

I walked over and opened the blinds and I saw people running down the block and turning into dust and in the middle of it all, I saw Red.

A/N: The drama unfolds🤗!!  After this I will be writing a part that explains the story behind this so you know. Also I want to know, who should die first. It's between blue, purple and green. Put your answers in the comments. Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you in the next one. Byeeeee!!!!!👋

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