The Wedding Flashback

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Seconds P.O.V

I was getting ready for me and Greens wedding in the back while Yellow helped me. Green and I had been dating for 3 years and he had proposed to me just 6 months ago and I had agreed. Today was the big day too. I had invited Chosen, my older brother and Dark, his boyfriend. I also invited my best friend Red. We had planned a small wedding and it was being hosted in M.Ts backyard since he had the biggest one.

Yellow finished finnicking with my hair and stepped back. " You look great! You and Green will be the ultimate power couple!" " Aw thanks" I said. "I'm really excited to get married. Especially to Green. This is the happiest day of my life!" Blue poked their head in. "Yo, babe, we need you out here for preparation stuff." "Coming!" said Yellow. "I got to go, see you in the aisle." "Bye." I said. Yellow left and I spent the rest of my time drawing and watching YouTube until Chosen entered the room to lead me out.

I was so nervous and so excited and I walked down the aisle to Green. He looked so handsome and I felt my heart almost explode with love. 

I walked up and put my hand on his. We said our vows and the minister said " If you have any objections to this union, speak now for forever hold your peace." I expected no one the say anything but was shocked when Purple stood up. Out of everyone, he was the most supportive of me and Greens relationship and I could see that most of the others-in the audience seemed shocked too. But for some reason, Green wasn't surprised at all. In fact he looked embarrassed and sad but I didn't know why. Purple said "I have been dating Green for a few months now and I love him too much to let him marry someone else." I looked at him in shock then turned to Green and asked "Is this true?" He looked at me with sadness clear on his face and said "Yes it's true." He raised his voice and said "I have been cheating on Second with Purple for 7 months." An outburst of noise came from the crowd. Chosen leaped up and tried to attack Green, only being held back by Dark. Yellow and Blue were both yelling and Purple and I was in a state of shock. My entire world had crashed down and there was nothing I could do about it. Tears in my eyes, I ran out of the venue with Green yelling my name behind me.

Then I realized, Red WASN'T THERE. If he had been there, he could have made me feel better with just a few words and a hug. But he wasn't there to support me when I needed him and look at what happened. This was all his fault. I felt rage boil up inside of me and I got into my car. When I get to Reds house, I was going to make him feel the pain he caused me.

Reds P.O.V

I was sitting in my house, stroking my cat. I couldn't go to the wedding. I didn't even have a reason but I just couldn't. I had put away my feelings during the preparation of the wedding but I just couldn't go and see Second get married to someone who wasn't me. I loved him too much for that.

Suddenly, Second burst into my house. 

A/N: So from here just make the connection to the first part and that's the backstory. When I first wrote this, I did not intend for Green and Purple to be the cheaters but I think it works. And for the next chapter I can't decide who should die first so I want you to vote. It's between Blue, Purple, Yellow or Green. Put your answers in the comments. I'll see you in the next one guys! Byeee!! (I'm doing this in school too. Eep!)

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