Chapter 3

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Seconds P.O.V

I stared at Red from through the window in shock. Even tho I could still tell it was my Red, he looked nothing like the last time I saw him. He had started turning gray around his arms and legs, and his eyes were white holes in his face. He grinned eerily as he stared back. His eyes seemed to penetrate my heart and soul, and I felt something happen between us in that moment. Like a rope connecting us together. I break the connection and look at my friends, shock clearly written on my face.  Shock was written on their face too. 

"Is-is that-RED!?" Blue said. "It has to be", said Yellow. "He's the only person who isn't here and second; it looks EXACTLY LIKE HIM YOU MORON!!" I ignored the banter and looked back out the window. Red was still there, watching. Then suddenly his snapped to a person behind me, and his grin grew even larger. He reached out a hand and his arm began to shake and snap and more bones started to grow in his arm making it even longer and it elongated as it stretched out towards me. I screamed and everyone turned to look at me. 

As soon as they saw the elongated arm headed straight for us, coming from a possessed Red, they freaked out. "What the hell is that?!" Blue and Green yelled. Purple looked like he was going to pass out from fright and Yellow let out a string of curses. The hand reached towards me and punched through the glass. Shards of glass flew everywhere, one catching me on the cheek. Pain shot through my face and I stumbled around in pain. I stood up to see Blue being grabbed around the neck and dragged out the window. 

I stood there in shock and saw Yellow scream. He tried to grab the hand, but it receded with it still around Blues neck. He scratched at it in vain as Yellow tried to grab his hand but missed. Red smiled and flew away with Blue in tow.

Greens P.O.V

Yellow fell to the ground and started sobbing. I went over to him to comfort him but he pushed my hand away. He stood up and launched himself at Second. He started punching and  screaming at him. "YOU LET HIM DIE! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM BUT YOU DIDN'T" Second tries to push him off but for being smaller, Yellow had a tight grip. Purple lunged and tried to pull Yellow off but Yellow fought back. I stood there watching them fight and realized that I needed to find Blue. Without him Yellow would never be whole and sane anymore. But also.....If I saved Blue..... maybe Second would forgive me. So while Yellow, Purple and, Second were fighting, I snuck out to save Blue. I left the house and looked around, trying to pinpoint where they could've gone. I saw the sky grew darker at one point of the city, so I decided to head there. On the way, I saw nobody, which was even more concerning because normally at this time of day there would be tons of people walking around. I glanced around nervously but kept walking.

Soon I was right under the dark spot in the sky. I looked around and saw I was standing in front of Reds house. I walked up to the window and looked in, but I didn't see anything. However there were signs of a struggle. Chairs were knocked over and I saw a broken window in the back. I crept in through the opening in the window, wincing as the glass scraped my arms and legs. I entered the building and looked for something suspicious. 

I walked around the floor and saw how messy the room was. Writing and scratch marks lined the walls and the floorboards were loose and broken in some spots. I wasn't looking where I was going and ran right into a wall. I heard a click and a door appeared in the wall. I looked through and saw a staircase leading down. This must have been where Red had taken Blue. I went down the stairs and was looking into a window to a room. I crouched low and crawled up to the window. Peering in I saw Blue and Red. Blue was hanging by his arms and Red was beating him with iron rods. Blue looked like they were shrieking in pain and Red looked like he was laughing. He was someone entirely different than the Red that I had last seen, my friend Red. This one was a monster. Suddenly Red looked up. He left Blue and started walking to the door it exit the room. I stood up and prepared to bolt, but it was too late.

Reds P.O.V

I walked out of the room and saw my old friend Green, trying to run away. I laughed, amused at the pathetic attempt to escape. After being possessed by Herobrine, I have become more powerful than I ever could have imagined. I teleported in front of him, grinning. "Oh are you going somewhere?" I asked. He backed up, terrified but I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him up against the wall. He winced and I grabbed him by the neck, slowly choking him. He said "Red, please. I don't know what happened to you, but we can fix this I promise. You can go back to normal and we can all be happy again." I laughed in his face and said "Don't you see? I am happy, just the way I am." I threw him up against the ceiling and he groaned as he came crashing back down. I grabbed him and dragged him into the torture chamber where Blue still was. Blue saw Green and struggled to escape his chains as I carried Green past him. 

I threw Green into the electric chair I had and strapped him in. "What...what are you doing" Green whispered weakly. "Don't worry, it'll all be over soon" I told him. I walked over to a switch on the wall and flipped it. Instantly, Green began screaming and convulsing as the electricity coursed through his body. I turned it off so he could have a moment of relief, then turned it back on. After a few minutes of me torturing Green, I got bored a one walked over to him, knife in hand. At this point Blue was screaming at me, begging me to stop but I didn't pay attention. Green was barely conscious and couldn't fight me. He raised his head as I put the knife on his neck. I told him "Tell Second I'm coming for him next" I snarled at him.






Seconds P.O.V

We had managed to calm Yellow down, even though he was still distraught. And worst of all, we just realized that Green had gone missing too and Purple was panicking . I was about to go looking for both of them when I heard a knock on the door. I went over and opened the door and what I saw almost made me pass out. I saw the barely breathing body of Blue. And the dead bleeding body of Green. On their bodies was a note that read (Meet me on the cliff or they all DIE. Love,


A/N: Hewwwwooooo. Sorry it took a while to update, writers block hit me like a truck🤪. Anyways after this we have(about) two more chapters until the End. I'm so happy.!!! See you in the next one guys! Byeeeeeeee!!😘

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