Chapter 5

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Reds P.O.V

I waited on the cliff, eager for the chance to destroy the person who cause me pain. Then destroy everyone else alive. Some part of me fought back, yelling that this was wrong, that I needed to stop, but I pushed it away. Soon, I would have my revenge.

Seconds P.O.V

Me and Yellow marched to the cliff, battle ready. I carried my diamond sword and Yellow had his command block staff, in case things went bad. We also had loads of food for damage control. We walked up to the cliff and there stood Red, staring out into the sky.

A/N: Imagine this is the cliff and the spots of color are where the sticks are.

A/N: Imagine this is the cliff and the spots of color are where the sticks are

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He turned around and grinned. "Ah, so you've finally arrived." He looked nothing like the Red I knew. The Red I loved. He had white holes in his face and the gray had taken over his body leaving him only with reddish gray skin. Black ooze covered his arms and legs and 4 monstrous arms erupted from his back, touching the ground and keeping his body off the ground.

I snarled and said "Don't act like you're a decent person. You killed someone close to me to what, prove a point? You're a monster, just like how I told you." He smiled although in his eyes I could see I had touched a nerve. "Brave, aren't you with your brainy little friend with you? Well how about I remove him from the equation." I spun around only to see a shield between me and Yellow, like a force field. He tried breaking in but it zapped him and sent him flying backwards like 10 feet. Luckily he landed on his feet. I turned to face Red and said "You want a fight? You've got a fight." And I charged and Red with my sword at the ready and leaped up, prepared to strike him, but he teleported away. (A/N: I don't know how to write a fight scene so bear with me, I won't really write one)

Red almost took me down and pinned me against the edge of the cliff now. I was fighting for my life when suddenly he sent hundreds of shadowy demons at me, they swarmed me and I was surrounded by darkness. I felt them suffocating me and I slowly started to lose consciousness. Then I heard a voice whisper in my ear that said (I am with you and I felt power surge in my veins.

Yellows P.O.V

I saw the shadows swarm Second as I tried to enter the force field. I stared in shock as he was swallowed up. Our one hope, gone. Just like that. Then suddenly I saw sparks of green and gold come out of the wriggling pile. Then slashes of light came from inside the pile and Second flew out of it. His eyes were green and his diamond sword had turned into a golden saber. 

He flew towards Red and they began to fight with renewed fury. A battle that the earth would remember forever.(Another Fighting time skip because why not)

Seconds P.O.V

I had Red pinned against the cliff when he grabbed my sword and swung me around. My back hit the dirt and I felt the dull ache from the force. I knew at that moment that I was going to die. I looked in Reds face and whispered a faint "Please. Come back to me." Red smiled and said "No." But then suddenly his eyes started to change color, moving from the stark white to the dim pink that I knew. He stopped, stared at himself, his hands. He started to cry "Oh no, oh no, no no no please no." He fell to the ground. I stared in shock at him. "He told me that you were right, that I should have disappeared. He told me that I should just give in. I'm so sorry" He started crying even harder but I knelt down beside him and gave him a hug. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I got mad a you for something stupid and took all my negative energy out on you." I said. He hugged me back but then his body started to shake and he pulled away, pressing his hands to the sides of his head. He looked at me desperately. "Sec, he's coming back, you have to stop this." "How?!" I cried. "You have to kill me." "NO, I COULD NEVER!" I shouted back, tears coming to my eyes. He smiled softly. " You don't have a choice." He whispered. " No no no, can find another way, I can't lose you." I whimpered, tears now streaming down my face. "You-" Suddenly he stopped, froze. When he looked up, his eyes were Herobrine again. He sprung at me, but I ducked beneath him. The moment slowed down as his eyes returned to normal. "Second you have to do it now!!" He cried "I LOVE YOU!" I shouted at him. He smiled "I love you too." He whispered back. I leaped up,

And I stabbed him in the stomach."

Herobrine shrieked as he flew up out of Reds body and slowly disappeared, back to hell where he belongs. And Red?

Red had fallen off the cliff into the waters below. 

The prophecy had come true after all. Love had spilled BLOOD.

A/N: There will most likely be only 2 more chapters after this(maybe) so Red and Second ship kiss will be here soon. That's about it. Anyways I'll see you in the next chapter as I jump off a cliff to meet the mermaids. BYEEEEEEE😘. THE MERMAIDS ARE SO PRETTY 😍 

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