The Turtles Are Major Idiots (That Are Saved by the Protagonists) ★

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Talia and Cosmo chatted, cackling like mad men at each other's jokes, taking messy bites of pizza as they sat on the wooden crates in the alleyway; their usual spot to converse. Karl came jogging into the alleyway, red solo cups and a large bottle of a Dr. Pepper in hand. They panted, tossing the two the items and placing his hands on his knees to stabilise himself. "Sorry that took so long," He breathed out, his chest steadily rising and falling, "Had to fight through the crowd of people."

Cosmo stared at the cups Karl had tossed at her, frog blinking a few moments after as their brain was still trying to catch up with what was happening. They slowly turned to look at Talia, who had the Dr. Pepper in hand, her eyes darting between the two objects before it finally clicked and Cosmo grinned, "Duddeee, this is sick."

Talia grinned, unscrewing the cap of the large bottle, taking a swig. "Now this hits the spot, man." They passed Cosmo the bottle, who took a swig as well. Karl sighed and raised an eyebrow, his arms crossed.

"so... I got those cups for nothing, huh?" Talia and Cosmo grinned and shrugged, passing the bottle back and forth as they drank from it. Talia's legs swung back and forth as they smirked impishly, taking another sip.

"Yeah, I'd say that's about right." Karl sighed, slumming against a wall at Talia's words, but they had a ghost of a smile on their lips, playfully shaking his head. He hummed, getting to work on cleaning his gun. Talia hummed, their bat loosely held in their hands as they lazily swung their arm back and forth from atop their crate. Cosmo sat the bottle of Dr. Pepper on the floor at a corner of the crate she was sitting on, getting to work on sharpening her morning star.

"So," Karl began, looking up from his AK-110, "Any plans for this weekend?" This was responded by a shrug from his two friends and he chuckled. "Real. Don't even know why I asked."

Cosmo hummed, twirling their morning star around, "I mean... we could always go to the skate park. I could ride my skateboard, Talia could bring her roller skates and you can..."

"Drive your asses over there because the police cleared me to drive again!" Karl grinned, tossing Cosmo the keys to his motorcycle. Talia and Cosmo grinned, "Nice..."

Cosmo smirked, tossing Karl back his keys, "It's only a matter of time before the cops take away your keys again because you can't drive!" Talia cackled, pointing their bat at Karl before letting it fall limply to their side once more. "Cosmo, has a point you know."


"Mikey, who is the better one here?" Donnie inquired after a petty argument with Leo, again. He smirked confidently as they strolled the rooftops of New York, his hands clasped behind his back. Mikey whined.

"Don't make me pick! You're all my favorites!" He groaned, internally debating before sighing. "It's you, Donnie." Donnie grinned and gave a little dramatic bow, a mechanical arm extending from his 'battle shell', as he liked to call it, to give Mikey a high five. It didn't take long for Mikey to bounce right back into a good mood, because moments before he had already cheered up, and Mikey smiled, happily giving his brother a high five.

Leo dramatically scoffed, clutching his heart the same way an old lady would grasp her pearl necklace, and his leg kicked out. "Betrayed by own brethren!" He quickly transitioned into a different pose, sniffling as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, "We're ooze brothers, man. That's a kind of bond you can't break." Ralph hummed and patted Leo's head.

"There, there, Leo," he smiled. "We love you." Donnie shrugged, doing some calculations on his techy wristband.

"Actually, our bond can easily be broken like a chemical bond can be. It can easily be broken by a new component added to the mix," He stated matter-of-factly with a nonchalant shrug. "Buttt... according to my calculations there is a 0.008% chance that our brotherly bond will be broken."

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