So We Trusted Who with What Now, Again? ☆

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Karl sighed. It had been a day or two since they had trusted the turtles with the scroll. Which on their end, wasn't exactly the smartest. Not to say the turtles weren't trustworthy, we all knew they were, we being the readers. However, Karl, Cosmo, and Talia, didn't know this. So, on their end, not exactly the brightest decision, but hey, it would work out and they were the only ones who could decipher the scroll, so the three were stuck giving it to them. Still., Karl didn't like this. He didn't like trusting something his gang had worked so hard to obtain and keep out of the wrong hands with some random ninja mutant teen turtles.

But hey, what can you do, you know? So now Karl was nervously shooting at a trash can, with Talia snickered as they lazily lounged on top of it, perched like a cat. Honestly, I wouldn't ask why they were doing that, Talia just kind of pulled the most wild sitting poses without rhyme or reason. Although luckily for our protagonist, this pose wasn't a joint cracking, unholy, back bending and breaking, bones playing twister pose, but rather a relatively tame one.

Then again, since I said they were perched like a cat, it was kind of obvious Talia was sitting in a more simple manner. But at the same time, cats could also do literal gymnastics while they sit because they're just built different like that. But! That was not the point, and I have a feeling if I keep describing this and milking (hAHAHAHSHA IS THAT A MUTANT MAYHEM REFERENCE?!?!!?!) the joke, it'll get old quick. Does do wonders for my word count though, so kudos to my inability to stay focused.

And you might be wondering where Cosmo was in all of this! Well, that sure is a good question. But unfortunately for you (losers), the author had no idea! (Totally not because they didn't take their ADHD meds and can't focus on writing this stuff ;D) Honestly, half the time nobody knew where Cosmo was. They were always kind of doing their own thing and coming back with cool shit. Kinda like a really badass cat but with red hair... so Litten. Yeah Cosmo was basically Litten, which low-key is a huge compliment. (I mained that bitch in Brick Bronze [RIP ÚnÙ])

Oh would you look at that! There Cosmo is. The fuck you mean where? She's there! Right there! (Look at that tanned, well tended skin!) Oh shit; you can't see where I'm pointing. You can't really see at all, actually. Considering in your reality, these are all a bunch of words. Speaking of different realities, have you ever wondered who the narrator is? Who's telling this story? Who I am? Considering this isn't the same universe as yours (literally, you're seeing us from a book), the author of your universe probably isn't me. So it makes you wonder. For all you know I could fucking be Timothy! (RIP 😔❤️🥷 iykyk)

All you know right now is that I have ADHD and honestly I should go off the pills more often when I right because my words go everywhere and on a tangent and raises my sweet delicious word count. The one thing I'm strangely obsessed with, the variable that determines my worth as a writer. And personally I think I'm doing good! I mean come on man, you literally cannot tell me 600 words in six paragraphs isn't at least slightly impressive because most paragraphs are under a hundred. (Unless I just really suck and can't write for shit LMAO-)

Anyways, back to on track, or whatever the fuck grammar is at this point. Cosmo was rambling on about how cool Donnie was, and how he had given her his contact information to keep them up to date on the translation. Talia shrugged, "Personally I like that red dude, Raph. He seemed pretty badass." (just realised Mischa's catchphrase fits Raph so basically this ship is just 😘👌)

Karl sighed and quirked an eyebrow, continuing to relentlessly shoot at the trashcan, bullet shells ricocheting off the metal container and rolling on the floors of the alley. "Can we maybe not form emotional connections with these fuckers when we don't even know if we can trust them?"

Cosmo snickered, "Oh come on, man! You're such a skeptic! It'll be fiiinnnneee... probably. or will it? Duddeee! Now you've got my anxiety acting out because like what if our scroll isn't okay and they work for those Foot Losers?!"

Talia grimaced, "NOW YOU'VE GOT ME SUSPICIOUS-" Karl grinned smugly with an I-Told-You-So kind of look on his face. Talia and Cosmo shot him a nasty glare and he smirked, shrugging.

"See? Look I'm telling you what we did was a bad idea. Tell you what, Cosmo do your tech thingy and track down Donnie's location by tracing where he's texting from or whatever. Talia, make sure your nails and barb wire are in your bat tight. We're all going to make sure the scroll is safe."

Cosmo grinned and pumped her fist up, "Oh fuck yeah, dude! I get to show off!" Talia smirked at their friend's enthusiasm and shrugged, their scarred fingers tracing the 'enhancements' made to their baseball bat to make sure everything was in working order. Karl smirked, reloading his gun and strapping it around him. (I don't know how to describe it so here's a photo reference!)

Karl fished his keys out of his crust jacket and clicked a button, his motorcycle whirring to life

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Karl fished his keys out of his crust jacket and clicked a button, his motorcycle whirring to life. Talia clicked their heels at the ground once at a time for the wheels of their swaggy 1984 TMNT heelies to pop out. (In this universe the older renditions exist and Baron Draxum was a fan who decided to try and recreate them like a massive dork and added the whole battle thingy as an afterthought.) Cosmo got on their 2012 TMNT skateboard and popped on their spiky safety helmet because you can never be too cool for safety rules. And just like that our disastrous trio with trust issues was on their way to go make sure the scroll was safe.

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