Buddies Chillin'

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I opened my eyes in the early morning to be greeted by the cold snow biting at my metal cheeks.

I had slept through the night hanging upside down in a tree.

I started to close my eyes again when I heard a shrill scream and a thud coming from right next to me. I quickly turned my head and found a certain disassembly drone laying on his back in the snow. It looks like he just fell.


I quickly got down and rushed to his side. "You ok?"

"Yeah.." He was rubbing the back of his head. "I just had a bad dream..."

"You wanna talk about it?" I scooted over and sat next to him and started swinging my legs back and forth.

"..Yeah." He glanced down and started swinging his own legs in sync with mine. We chuckled a little. He sighed. "Well, my dreams keep taking place in the manor.."

"Hm. I wonder why."

"..But we're all worker drones again. It's strange. It's almost like it's not a dream, though. It's like I'm reliving my memories."

We sat in silence for a few seconds, swinging our legs, then I spoke up. "Do you.. miss the manor?"

"A little.. Do you?"

"A little."

"Those days were fun.." His voice trailed off as he started thinking about all the times where we were together and enjoying ourselves in the manor.

"Yeah.. Y'know what I miss the most?"

"What's that?"

"When we got to have our annual movie nights. Where we just got to sit down and relax and watch movies and spend time with each other. Now I barely see you anymore."

"I know what you mean."

There was more silence then I suddenly felt N grab both of my hands then scoot right in front of me.

"You know what? We should have movie nights again!"


"Yeah! Whenever we have time we should just settle down and watch a movie and have snacks and games!"

His excitement rubbed off on me, now we were squeezing each other's hands.

"Yeah!!" My eyes changed to stars and our tails started wagging, but we got interrupted by Uzi.

"N! Y/N! I found something in here!"


"What'd ya find?" N asked as he was climbing down the ladder and into the shuttle where V and Uzi where. He was back in his cheerful mood.

Uzi slapped N on the head, she had stuck something to his black cap.

"Did you know that was a pilot hat?"

I gasped.

"I was the PILOT?! THAT'S AWESO- I crashed and ruined everything... Spaceship pilot, origin story." N finished the last part in a cool tone.

V suddenly hissed then blew bubbles.

We looked at her in confusion for a few moments, then N spoke up.

"Speaking of piloting to earth, 'we sure murder all humans is, uh, 'morality'?"

"The humans sent you without a communication relay and formatted your memories to soup. Covering their tracks means they're past negotiating." Uzi snapped the wrench she was holding in half. "Not like they tried negotiating with my mom.."

"Or, you missed the negotiations!" V suddenly sat up and got all up in Uzi's face. "The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent." She giggled creepily.

N rushed over behind Uzi, then grabbed her shoulders and pulled her over beside him.

"J was getting orders from someone. If not the company for that relay then, uh, who? And how?"

Uzi grumbled then sat back in her seat. "Quit complicating my murder plan."

N lifted his hand, glanced at it, then back at her and started patting her head. She immediately slapped him.


Me, N and Uzi were back outside and siting on some snow-covered cars.

"Ugh! I'm sweaty! Who programmed that?!"

"You good, Uzi?" N asked.

"I'm good! Better than good! I, am GOD!" She stood up and reached her short arms to the sky.

We all looked behind her and saw Thad standing there, holding Uzi's railgun.

She chuckled nervously. "H-hi Thad.. Thank you." She said sheepishly as she took her gun back.

"Of course, Zi. N-&-M's." Thad pointed at N and he gave him two thumbs up. "You saved my life. I-I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff. Uh- Just more confused- especially with-"

"The fact that I'm too rouge to re-enter society now?" She interrupted dramatically. "I can never return."

"-The recent disappearances?"

Me, Uzi and N looked at him questioningly.

"A-And your murder-friend's corpse? When I went to grab your gun, it kind of looked like it.. crawled... away?"

Me and N stood up in unison out of shock and looked around.

"We can return a little?"


We walked up to the big metal door that led into the worker drone base. Uzi knocked on it. A few seconds later it cracked open and revealed another worker drone with white eyes.

"Welcome back, Thad. Eh— Uh, wait. Isn't she grounded or something?"

"Ugh, banished! Has my dad been saying I'm grounded?!"

The worker drone looked over at me and N.

"Genocide robots?"

N touched his fingers together sheepishly (UWU) as he stepped forward and handed the guy a little card we had made. He read it then looked back up at us.

"Ohhh alright, just don't do it again! Get in here, ya goobs!" He said as he held up the card and placed a pink flower magnet on it, holding it to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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