Extra Chapter 4: Y/n/Godfield Vs. Yujiro from Baki - Part 2

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After Godfield decided to switch sides with Y/n after Yujiro tried to ground pound him to the ground with his foot out of anger and called him a stupid brat, the Father of Y/n is now fueled with so much rage as Yujiro took a few steps back from Godfield as he is on the verge of killing him in cold blood.

Godfield: Are you satisfied? (Takes a deep breath) Look, I'm gonna give one last chance to end this fight, because I am getting sick and tired of you trying to kill my own son with your so-called fighting skills. I highly suggest you give up and leave, before I will literally make your death as slow and painful that you can never imagine. Your choice.

Yujiro: I'm sorry, but I never back down before killing my opponent on the battlefield, unlawful for me, even if I look like an ugly cat such as yourself.

Godfield: You don't know what real PAIN is.

Then Yujiro tried to do a jump kick on Godfield, but immediately ducked down to dodge the attack as he is not going to be defeated by someone like Yujiro on his watch.

Godfield: (Thinking) Foolish mortal. He doesn't know who he's dealing with. I will make sure he will regret this moment for the rest of his life for trying to kill my son and for calling me ugly. The nerve of him.

Then Yujiro tried jumping around and around at a face pace as he looks like he's teleporting from place to place, creating after images of himself, thinking that Godfield won't be able to fend him off before trying to punch Godfield from behind, only for him to turn his head instantly before he could punch him, causing Yujiro to jump back away from him, knowing that he almost got killed if he managed to land the punch on him.

Yujiro: (Shocked) But how?! That look on his eyes....is not a good sign...

Godfield: (Turns around to face him) You see what I mean. You can't win, even if you have Satan on your side to help you win your battles. I eat Gods and Satans for breakfast. You're looking at an omnipotent being that has the power to devour multiple worlds and Gods and I happen to kill both the God and the Devil in my world. How do you think I recreated that universe in my own image after I destroyed it with my power. You are always so proud of your strength, when in fact, you are still very weak. You just kept pushing yourself to the limit, but you don't have the power to stop me and my son, even though he told you that we are in a hurry and have work to do. (Steps Forward to Yujiro) You have gone too far this time, Yujiro Hanma! I am going to kill you, right here, right now! Even if you managed to be brought back to life by your friend, Satan. Remember this, don't you ever make fun of me or my son ever again or I will tear your guts out and devour you like a savage and then we'll see who has the most meat from those muscles of yours!

Yujiro has never been scolded like that before in his life as Godfield is very serious about what he is about to do to him and it's not gonna be pretty once he is about to meet his death at the hands of Godfield himself.

Yujiro: (Thinking) How dare he scold me as if I was his father.

Then he did another jump attack, this time he is aiming towards his head in retaliation for scolding him, which is his biggest mistake he has ever made in his life.

Yujiro: How about I smack you head!

Godfield: Big mistake, bub!

Then he did a backflip and swifty kick Godfield in the head, which didn't work at all as it didn't harm him at all as Yujiro was shocked on how the attack didn't work as Godfield lean back to for an uppercut punch onto Yujiro's face.

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