6-Assassin on Both Sides

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The next morning I woke up early to get all the chores I missed last night. I showered and got ready for work before getting everything ready for my grandma and Josefina. I haven't been able to spend much time with my grandma because of all my work, so I wanted to make sure everything was left nice and ready for her. I put a blanket in the dryer and started making coffee on the stove.
I was writing a note to leave to Josefina with some money when a loud knock came on my door.

The person kept knocking so I quickly answered the door, not wanting to disturb my grandma or neighbors.

It was Jim who stood outside my door, looking frantic and tired.

"Jim? Is everything okay?" I look around to see if anyone's around, but the hall is barren.

"You're the only one I could talk to about this.", Jim tells me as I push him inside my house.

"What's going on Jim?" 

He pulls me close and whispers, "Oswald Cobblepot is alive."

My eyes probably almost popped out of my head, "Wait, what? I thought- How?"

"Promise me you'll never tell anyone." He shook his head.

I grab his shoulder, "You can trust me, Jim."

"I- I didn't kill him, that day at the piers. I let him go and told him never to come back. But he has. He came to my home last night."

"What the fuck?" I put my hand over my mouth.

"He told me there's a war coming. He offered to be my secret agent."

"What does he mean war?"

"He said war is politics by different means, and politics is just money talking. He said it has to do with Arkham. He told me not to trust anyone." He crosses his arms, looking down.

I take a deep breath, taking in everything I just heard.

"Jim, I know it's hard to find trustworthy people in Gotham. I- thank you for coming to me about this. So, I'm gonna tell you something only two people in my life know."

He shakes his head, "You don't have to-"

"My father is Salvatore Maroni."

"What?" He backs away slightly.

I nod, "I was born here in Gotham. Maroni was an awful husband and an even worse father. It was only when I was born that my mom had the courage to leave him. But you can't just leave a mob boss, so she faked our deaths and snuck out of the city. No one can know I'm her child, I have to pretend to be one of my uncle's sons."

"I'm sorry, Alec."

"It's okay. I told you this because I want you to know I trust you just as much as you trust me."

After that, we head to work in our separate cars. Once we got there Sarah was already talking to Bullock.

"Alvarez put in double overtime last week." She turns to us. "Hey, Gordon, Lopez."

"Captain." Jim nods.

"Morning, Captain."

"Councilman Ron Jenkins and his aide were found dead in a parking structure this morning." She places a file in front of us, "Still waiting on the M.E's report, but their wallets and jewelry were missing."

"A councilman. Maybe it's a political hit." Jim suggests.

"Nah, no one hits councilmen. It's cheaper to bribe 'em. You kill 'em and another bum with his hand out just takes his place." Bullock puts his hand out to demonstrate.

"Sniff around city hall if you want. Smart money says this was just wrong place, wrong time. Go work it." 

"Ugh. Slave driver.", he calls after Sarah. "Don't worry, Jim... and Lopez. I know just where to start."

Bullock takes the lead in this and arrests a guy called Nicky.

"Come on, Nicky, don't be modest. You're the crown prince of parking lot muggers. No one's got a bigger rep."

"I'm on sabbatical. I didn't kill no one. That's not my thing." The guy was practically shaking with fear.

"Then why'd you have a shank in your backpack?" Jim asks.

Bullock holds out the shank.

"Protection." He defends.

"Councilman Jenkins was murdered." Bullock grabs him and points the blade at his face. "We know it was you. We got witnesses."

"I swear to God I didn't do it!" Now he was shaking with fear.

Jim walks out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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