Cup It!

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"And with that, I want you all to keep in mind that finals will be coming up so please make sure you study! Tests will be handed back on Friday and make sure to read pages twenty-five and twenty-six! Source materials on those pages will be included in written finals! If you need me or need extra help my email is on the student and teacher portals online so, feel free to give me a shout! I'm always open for extra credit as well if anyone is looking for a boost! Now shoo! You're all free to go! Class dismissed!"

The scraps of chairs being pushed back, and jingling zippers rang out as binders and books were shoved into backpacks. Humming under his breath, he tapped the stack of papers on the surface of his podium before sliding a paper clip on them. Turning to make his way from the podium, he made his way over to the small desk in the corner of his room where his half opened laptop sat upon it with his bag hanging open. Sliding the papers into his bag, he walked around the desk to gently snap his laptop shut.

Listening to the deafening cacophony of chair legs screeched over linoleum tiles with the tap of shoes moving over the floor. . Flipping his bag to face him, he let his gaze flicker up when the door to his classroom was opened allowing the din of voices from the hallway to enter the room. He let his gaze drop as he slid his laptop in beneath the papers awkwardly before bending down. Tugging his charger out of its place in the wall, he wadded it up then slid it into the bag before reaching for the metal zipper to tug at.

Zipping it shut as his students slipped out of the room, he opened his top drawer for his key ring with both house and car keys jingling cheerfully on it. Reaching in for his phone and wallet, he slid his wallet into his coat pocket while powering on his phone. Closing up the bag, he couldn't help that spark of excitement when he grabbed at the strap. His phone glowed up at him as he slid the strap of his bag up onto his padded shoulder. Thumping against his thigh when he glanced over as the last of his students slipped out.

Sliding his keys into his pocket, he scooped his phone up as he walked around his desk to his chalkboard. Picking up an eraser, he began to move it over the board to make it easier for cleaning tomorrow before class. Erasing the writing on it, he made sure to leave the test dates and homework dates up in the corner. Making quick work on the rest of the board when his phone suddenly pinged his hand. Putting the eraser down, he lifted his phone up where he found a text from his son waiting for him to read.

Explaining he had study group tonight which meant he'd either be home later or crash at the dorms. He tapped the eraser down into the metal tray, he spun on his feet as he put a pep to his step as he made his way across his classroom. The din of the hallway filled with voices had lessened with a majority of the students having either left or headed off to the dorms. With a few stragglers remaining in the hallways, he slid his door shut before walking down the hallway as he typed out a reply to Hitoshi.

Grinning at the rather huffy reply, he shoved his phone into his pocket as he listened to the strike of his rubber soles on the linoleum tiles. Making his way to his husband's classroom, he felt a flutter in his stomach as he bit at his inner cheek. All week long he'd gotten fleeting looks at his husband. Passing moments of affection where the black-haired man would hall him into an empty room. Hands on his cheeks and lips targeting his nose in pecking kisses. Lips coming down on his with the affection he felt starved of.

Moments in the elevator where he got to pin Shouta in the corner with lips attacking the black-haired man's face until his cheeks were turning pink. Stolen moments with brushing hands being more than enough to get him through. Late nights spent at the kitchen table with on and off texting with his husband had been the worst. But it was worth it. To tie up his loose ends, his plans, and covering his bases before they could even begin the official countdown of their anniversary. To make sure everything was ready.

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