3. Symphonic

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The sun fell, and moonlight shone through the window. The entire house feel silent, as if it was sleeping itself. If a pin fell, it would surely be heard.

   ˗ˋˏ°• How are you...what are you supposed to do against that..? Feels like a frame trap but the animation looks so punishable....•°ˎˊ˗

  It was the person from before, playing some sort of game. Most likely a fighting game with that terminology. While they were playing, they saw a character dressed in pink and white. The colors reminded her of the girl she saw earlier...in less then a respectful manner. They paused what they were doing, and headed down to the room underneath her own.

˗ˋˏ°• heyy...im Haven. Sorry for walking in on you like that...yea yea that sounds right.•°ˎˊ˗

Haven practiced their apology as they walked down, and stopped right before they opened the door. A melody was playing through the door, and it was heavily laced with a guitar. It sounded...like metal-rock ish music. A pink princess like The Shooting Star listening to that felt...both surprising yet stereotypical.

   With a small breath Haven knocked on the door, nervously twiddling their thumbs as they waited. She had no idea why she was so nervous about seeing her again, outside of the whole 'Hero in my house' thing. Haven heard the music get significantly quieter, and a few light footsteps approached the door from the other side. The locks clicked behind the door, and it creeped open.

❝ Hello!  Sorry about the music if that's what's woke you, I'll keep it down. ❞

     A rather small girl stood on the other side of the door, and she seemed to be made of pink. From her hair, her eyes, and even her outfit. It was completely composed of pink and white, with small accents of blue. Her eyes widened as she saw who was at the door.

❝ Oh hi! I remember seeing you earlier today and never got to introduce myself! I know everyone knows me as the shooting star but you can just call me Averine. ❞

    Averine had a light smile across her face as she spoke, with her body swaying to the side. She seemed excited to meet Haven, despite the....less then preferred first encounter.

˗ˋˏ°• Oh...yea I'm um...Haven...sorry about walking in on you earlier, I didn't think we'd have any type of visitors. •°ˎˊ˗

  Haven glanded down slightly at Averines outfit, and noticed that the bandages were already gone. Was it just for stylistic choice...? Maybe it was a cosplay or something...Haven was gonna leave it at that.

❝ Oh don't worry about that at all! It was nothing more then a little accident and it's already water under the bridge. ❞

  A small giggle came from Averine, waving her hand as she spoke. Her tone was charged with joy, almost to the point of being infectious. Haven had a light blush go across their face, but quickly shook it off.

˗ˋˏ°• cool cool....what were you listening to..? Sounded like something I'm a little familiar with.•°ˎˊ˗

A slightly surprised expression appeared on Averines face, as she glanced up at Haven. She glanced behind them, and gently pulled them into the room and closed the door behind them. Averine had a light blush on her face, as she turned the music she had back to where it was before. It was definitely metal music.

❝ ....its this band called sleep token. I like how the songs have a mix of aggression and spices of passion. I'm still a little too nervous to tell many people,cause it would clash with the whole pink thing I have going on..❞

Averine nervously scratched her cheek, glancing away from Haven and over to the speaker. The voice was going from screaming to a soothing tone like it was a switch. The instruments were doing the same thing, and it was making a beautiful melody.

˗ˋˏ°• Like a reputation? I don't think anyone will mind too much what kind of music you like. For what it's worth I think it's pretty cool that you like this kind of music, can't exactly say I'm too surprised though. •°ˎˊ˗

Haven chuckled after they spoke, placing a hand over her mouth as they did. Out of everyone she could have in front of her in this scenario, they never thought it would be the shooting star herself....she was pretty up close.

❝ I suppose so. Maybe they'd be more welcoming if they- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT SURPRISED!?❞

It took her a small while, but she quickly caught onto Haven's side comment. She was expecting this to be a big reveal, and not one that was just gonna be guessed on a whim and be right.

˗ˋˏ°• Well it's pretty common for the pretty pink girls to have a 'dark side' if you will. In your case it's liking metal and rock, but I've seen some more...extreme cases. I'm more surprised at someone so mystical fitting into a common stereotype honestly. •°ˎˊ˗

Averine pouted and turned to the side, crossing her arms as she did. She seemed annoyed, but it was in a playful manner.

❝ You could at least act surprised! It's supposed to be a big reveal! I wanted to get into all the details and the ideas and everything!❞

˗ˋˏ°• Ideas..? What kind of ideas? We talkin outfit, interest, concerts...learning the instruments..?•°ˎˊ˗

Haven quickly became invested in the conversation, leaning over and placing her hands in their lap. They seemed to have stars in their eyes, yet her tone didn't match it at all.

❝ oh-...um...mostly all of them but the concert one. As much as I'd want to play in a concert, I think I still have a lotta practice to do. I did learn how to do a death growl though! It was really annoying but it was fun to learn.❞

Haven immediately jumped up and placed their hands on Averines shoulders. She definitely had stars in her eyes, and was doing their best to not jump in glee. Averine simply stared up in confusion, being lost in the reaction.


Averines eyes widened as she glanced at Havens' eyes, and drifted her glance to the side. A bright blush went across her face, but it wasn't too easy to spot against her skin tone.

    ❝ Sure! I'd have to hush the room so it might feel a little weird, I don't wanna wake the house with such nonsense. ❞

Haven tilted their head at Averines statement, squinting as she did. How would one hush a room..? Right in the middle of thinking, Averine held her hands out and made a light pink mist. It was her signature trait, one that everyone was used to. It dissipated into a glow, following Averines hand movement. With a small motion of her hand, the same glow appeared along the walls. It made the room have a dull lighting of pink, as well as causing a feeling of lightness, as if the gravity turned down slightly.

❝ Okay, that's done...now I've just gotta wait for the right part of the song...❞

Haven became dizzy for a quick minute, trying to adjust to the rooms altered physics. It felt like their hands moved slower, and her brain was cloudy. They simply kept moving their limbs until it felt natural, and were finally able to focus again. Her brain never cleared, as it stayed foggy for whatever reason.

   Before they could get another word out, a deafening scream came from across them. It was in tune with the song, and sounded like a soul crying out in sorrow. A mix of feminine grace and unsurmountable rage, forming an acheing growl attached to a melody. All of it coming from a single girl covered in pink, with a single tear falling from her eye. She quickly wiped it away from her face, and a tired smile appeared after.

   ❝  Stars it feels good to do that! Kinda wish I could do it more often. I'm honestly not sure if I'm doing it right,since I haven't had another person that knew what it was meant to sound like hear it. ❞

  Haven simply stared in silence at what they just heard. The snippet she just witnessed might be the reason Averine wouldn't commit to this genre.

     Seeing such a humane side to someone so seemingly divine...was hard to swallow.

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