9. Backstage Connection

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Averine laid on the roof of her house...simply sitting with her thoughts for a moment. She was thinking about what it was she could do to pass the time, but most of her options seemed to be...less then exactly enjoyable. Outside of doing a patrol run or two, nothing seemed to be...urgently done. So she thought it would be a good time to maybe squeeze a nap in. She hasn't had one in a few days so why not?

She swung herself down from the roof through the window she left open, closing it behind her as she did. Right before she plopped onto her bed, she saw a small note with an outfit laid out right above it and a pair of shoes next to the bed. It was the clothes she let Marisse borrow a while back, and it made her smile to have it back again. Averine glance over at the note, and it read:

✐ 𓆩 Hello! Sorry about coming in unannounced, but I wanted to return these! I cleaned them super delicately so they would still be good! Thank you again for your help! ♡𓆪 ✎

She glanced back at her clothes a second time, and she definitely saw the difference in it. Although the spikes weren't authentic metal, they definitely seemed to fit the part. It made her smile spread across her face to see someone care about her belongings so much. Averine placed her clothing onto her tabletop, and crawled into bed for a small nap. Averine didn't find sleeping to be something she did often, but it was nice to have those moments when she could.

Averines dream was more or less nothing but a black space. It was all she ever dreamed about recently. It lacked feeling, sight, and almost everything but sound. A small step above what she was once trapped in, but not a significant change.

⦅ Psst...hey. Heyyy.... ⦆

A quiet voice creeped from what sounded like behind her, yet no matter how quickly she turned it never moved.

⦅ psssssst. don't forget to check what you don't see. ⦆

Averine listened to what the voice said, but it sounded like nonsense. How would one check...what they didn't know? It sounded like something that would be impossible, and the amount of thinking she did with it was disturbing. The voice seemingly disappeared, leaving Averine to herself in the void. Dreams never made sense, so she put it as a pointless thought for now.

She rested for about an hour, before slowly opening her eyes once more. She sat up and stretched for a moment, and proceeded to stare at her wall while her brain slowly awoke. Once it did, Averine turned her glance down to the outfit from earlier and thought of something that could possibly be a nice time passer. She tossed on her punk-esk outfit and gave her teeth another brush before heading out once more. Averine tied her hair up into a ponytail, and surprisingly it was enough for people to not recognize her as easily anymore. They must have been so use to seeing her glimmering pink that black and pink looked obscure.

A small moment of walking later, and she arrived at Haven and Patricia's home once more. She gave the door a few small knocks, and patiently waiting for s response. The door opened, and Haven peeked their head out. They were immediately snagged by Averines outfit, making her eyebrows raise and their eyes widen.

˗ˋˏ°• Woah...nice outfit starshine. You shift your signature that fast? •°ˎˊ˗

A small chuckle came from Haven as a smile spread across her face. Averine giggled as well, being happy that they found the outfit to be appealing.

❝ Nnnoooo not yet. Especially not when it looks so close to someone else's outfit. I just think it looks cute is all. It also matched with what I wanted to ask you about! ❞

Averine seemed excited about seeing Haven again, so much so that she was already swaying in place. Haven leaned against the door way, having their gaze constantly going up and down Averine. Her outfit was shockingly good...almost to an impossible degree. Truthfully it was making her slightly jealous, but she had no intention of saying so.

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