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Love is blind.
They say.

But I say what my heart desires to:

Your heart gleams where no light shines.
A diamond among gold.
Your voice it's like a soothing, sweet harmony.
An angel who blesses my ears with her sweet tone.
Your eyes greets me with happiness.
Like a moon pulling the ocean towards it.

My heart longs for you and you only.
Where no light shines you are my light.
A star glimmering the brightest than other stars.
Others say we are two magnets attracting each other.

Because in their eyes...

You are my North and I'm your South.
Nothing can never make us repel each other.


"We were once a happy family of five even though you caused me harm physically. I still loved you. You were the only man I have loved dearly Gerald."

"I... I... I was forced to do it Laurissa. I too loved you dearly."

"I cried day and night because of your torture. I had no peace. Never once I had peace after Leon was born. Your cruelty was too much for  poor soul Gerald."

"Laurissa... forgive my actions."




The tall, grey haired man with short ear length hair woke up with a loud gasp. His eyes brown eyes immediately opened revealing his blood shot eyes. His skin was pale as a ghost. He could hear his heart beat faster than ever. He knew he couldn't keep this secret forever. Soon or later his children will find out and hate him till he cease to exist.

One thing for sure. He was taking his secret to his grave.

"Why can't she let me live in peace?" He thought to himself.

"Your Majesty, you are awake," spoke a young man dresses in a metallic armor. His right arm crossed over his chest and slightly bowed before his King with a small smile on him.

"Where am I?" King Gerald questioned with his wrinkly brown eyes examining the wooden built-up room. He tried to sit up straight on the small hard bed he laid on, but he couldn't. The young man from earlier assisted him and handed him a cool glass of freshly made water. In seconds the glass was empty and he gestured for another glass of water.

"Thank you... Kallias." The young boy just nodded his head. A soft knock then appeared on the other side of the door. Kallias quickly marched to open the door and there stood a short chubby dark-skinned woman dressed in her ravishing attire. Her grey hair was neatly tied back in a bun and her blue eyes stared into the young man's eyes.

"Here is your meal for the night," she spoke with a smile on her and gestured for two people to enter the room. One was a short, slender woman who held a wooden tray in it were two bowls and a small plate. The King sighed from the sight of the food and non of it had a pleasant greeting to his nostrils. Another was a very bony tall boy with dark messy hair, dressed in baggy clothes. He held a metallic grey tray in it where two silver cylinder cups and had a very strong aroma that filled the room. Liquor. It was and Kjng Gerald rather looked dissatisfied.

"How could one drink happily after having an unsatisfying meal?" He thought to himself.

"The rest of the other men have been well fed. Do not worry much my King." Kallias spoke with a smile.

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