Unexpected Events

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Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper returned from dystopia for a brief respite from the criminal activities that were rampant there. The group, including Danger Force, relaxed and conversed at the Man's Nest. "So, how's dystopia?" Chapa inquired. "It's fine, but..." Henry began. "How's you guys love life?" Mika cheerfully asked. "Um..." Charlotte hesitated. "Sorry, I just had to ask. I know everyone's thinking it," Mika said, with everyone except Charlotte and Henry agreeing. "We're not actually dating," Charlotte clarified. "Really? Didn't you two date in middle school though?" Ray questioned. "That was a test of Jasper's loyalty, and you know that," Henry responded, slightly annoyed. "Really, you guys didn't trust me?" Jasper expressed disappointment.

"It's not about whether we trusted you or not, but we needed to test if you would reveal one of our deepest secrets. My identity as Kid Danger was something that couldn't be made public," Henry explained. "But you told Charlotte," Jasper continued, sounding annoyed. "Actually, he didn't tell me. I figured it out myself, which surprises me that nobody else did, especially when it became known that both you and Kid Danger had broken arms," Charlotte added. "Anyway, that's a discussion for another time," Ray interjected. "Let's talk about what we're going to do while you guys are here," Ray suggested. "Uh...," Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper mumbled collectively. "And don't try to lie your way out of this. Henry's mom told me that you haven't made any plans yet," Ray pointed out. "Eww, why were you talking to Henry's mom?" Miles reacted. "Maybe he just wants a friend," Bose suggested. "Yeah, maybe I just want a 'friend'," Ray teased. "You're actually disgusting," Charlotte and Henry retorted. "That's my mom you're talking about," Henry defended.

"Whatever, kids, get out," Ray joked. "You do realize we're like 16, right?" Chapa pointed out. "Really? Still, get out," Ray insisted. Henry and Charlotte shook their heads, smiling, as Danger Force left the room. "So, you guys are old enough to drink now. Let's go to a club," Ray proposed. "I'm not a heavy drinker," Charlotte declined. "I know," Henry affirmed. "Remember when she drank just two drinks and ended up twerking on a table?" Henry reminded Jasper, Ray winced at the comment. "She also ended up kissing a random guy who turned out to be a stalker. Henry and I had to intervene," Jasper added. "Don't worry, Charlotte, I'll protect you," Ray assured.

At the bar, Ray and Jasper disappeared, leaving Charlotte, who wore a short black dress while the boys wore jeans and different colored tops. "I knew they wouldn't stay with us the whole time," Charlotte remarked. "How do you have motherly instincts without being a mother?" Henry teased. "Someone has to have common sense between you two losers," Charlotte retorted. "Hey, Charlotte, I'll be right back. I have to use the restroom," Henry excused himself before leaving. "Great, now I'm alone," Charlotte muttered. She went to get a non-alcoholic drink, unaware that it had been spiked.

A few minutes later, Henry returned to find Charlotte missing. As he searched, he saw Jasper with a girl and Ray attempting to socialize. Spotting Charlotte being led away by a stranger, Henry intervened. "Where are you taking her?" Henry demanded. The man claimed Charlotte approached him, but Henry insisted she was in no state to make decisions. Leading her away, Henry confronted Charlotte about her condition. "My problem is that you're wasted when you said you wouldn't drink," Henry scolded. Charlotte, in a daze, struggled to stay upright. Henry walked up to Ray. "Hey Ray, Charlotte's drink ended up spike so I'm going to take her to the hotel before she ends up doing something she'll regret". "You do that" Ray says, before walking off.

(I know this is not a Danger Force story, but I randomly thought of this idea so I had to write it down before I forgot.)

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