Unexpected Events (Part two)

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At the car

Charlotte is stumbling, so he carries her to the passenger's seat, reaching over to buckle her seat belt before she grabs his face and forces him to look into her eyes. "You're so adorable," she says, squishing his face. "Thanks," he mumbles. She looks at his lips before pulling him in for a kiss. He's shocked but starts kissing back, and the kiss becomes heated. Henry realizes what he's doing and pulls away. "You're drunk, I shouldn't be doing this," Henry says. "No, I'm not," Charlotte whines, trying to pull him back in. He pushes her away slightly, buckles her in, and closes the door. When he gets to the driver's seat, he sees that she's dozed off, smiles, kisses her on the head, and drives off.

In the hotel room

When discussing rooms, the boys agree that Charlotte will get a separate bed, and they both will share one. Henry carries Charlotte to the room as she's asleep. He lays her on the bed, stirs but doesn't wake up. "I'm going to put a trashcan by her in case she randomly decides to wake and puke up her insides," Henry thinks. Henry changes into something comfortable - sweatpants and a t-shirt. "She probably wants to wear something comfortable, right?" he tries to convince himself. He takes off her dress, trying not to be weird, and puts one of his over-sized hoodies on her, which is definitely over-sized for her. She moves, so he flinches before calming down. He starts to walk away to get some painkillers and water for her, but she grabs his arm. "Please don't leave me," she says. "I'm not, I'm just getting you some water, okay?" he reassures her.

Henry and Charlotte have been stuck together like glue, with Jasper included in the group, but him just being, well, Jasper. Ever since the blimp crash, Charlotte has been scared to lose Henry, even though he survived. He always makes sure she knows he's still there.

Henry gets back in the room, waking up Charlotte for her to take painkillers and drink water. As soon as she finishes, she slumps her head back in defeat. "Would you sleep with me?" she asks. "Sure," Henry says, blushing. Henry lays on his side of the bed, but Charlotte scoots near him, cuddling him and putting his arm over her body before quickly falling asleep, with Henry following soon after.

Henry wakes up to the sound of retching, panicking and looking towards Charlotte to see her head hung low against the bed. "Hey, are you okay?" Henry asks. "I'm trying to be," Charlotte says. "Does your head still hurt or..." Henry starts. "I'm okay, Henry, thank you," Charlotte says, giving a small smile. Charlotte cuddles back into Henry and falls back asleep, with Henry rubbing her back.

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