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Hello readers! Long time no see! I finally finished my exams!
Now I can make stories again!
Here's another story I make!

The vast throne room of the Demon King was shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the echoing footsteps of the four heroes who had breached its sanctity. The once resplendent hall, now a dark testament to the thousand years of tyranny, was lit dimly by flickering torches casting ominous shadows.

Alex, the idealistic swordsman, took a step forward, his massive two-handed sword gleaming in the low light. "We have come to end your tyranny, Monster, and free all people in the name of justice," he declared, his voice resolute and unwavering.

Behind him, Tina, the ancient elf magician, stood with an icy demeanor, her eyes fixed on the Demon King with a hatred that had simmered for centuries. Jameson, the stout dwarf bard, clutched his weaponized guitar, his hands trembling slightly but his resolve unbroken. John, the jovial yet insightful priest, held his open book of spells, ready to support his comrades.

The Demon King sat upon his throne, his red eyes glowing faintly in the dim light. His once mighty form seemed weary, as though the weight of a millennium of cruelty and conflict had finally taken its toll. He regarded the heroes with a mixture of curiosity and indifference.

"Sure," the Demon King said nonchalantly, his voice echoing through the hall. "I will free all of the people."

The heroes exchanged puzzled glances, their tension momentarily replaced by confusion.

Alex frowned, his grip on his sword tightening. "What? You're actually going to give up your evil rule so easily?"

The Demon King leaned back on his throne, a faint, humorless smile playing on his lips. "Yup."

Tina's cold, scrutinizing gaze did not waver. "Why? Have you grown tired of your tyrannical rule?" she asked, her voice as icy as her stare.

"Well, you see, my race will die if we didn't do something evil. So basically, demons like me must do evil stuff to survive. If we didn't do that, we would die and turn into dust," he said coldly, his eyes locking with Tina's. "I did all those heinous acts to keep my people and race alive. But now, since you people killed all of them, leaving only me, I have no reason to do evil stuff."

Tina narrowed her eyes, her voice devoid of empathy. "Hmm... I see. In your eyes, you did the right thing. But your actions caused a lot of suffering to millions of people, and in the eyes of ordinary people, your actions were undoubtedly evil. Why didn't you search for an alternative? Perhaps you could have searched for a less evil solution or a different way to survive?"

The Demon King let out a hollow laugh. "I already did. But I found something else. I found out that my race, the demon race has a karma system in our bodies: the more evil deeds we do, the less karma we accumulate. If we don't do anything evil, the karma in our bodies keeps going up and up, and when it's full, we turn to dust."

The room fell silent as the heroes absorbed this revelation. John, usually the most cheerful of the group, looked at the Demon King with a mixture of pity and understanding. "But, wouldn't it be better to die than to hurt so many innocent people? Some of your actions were beyond cruel, even for a demon," he said softly.

"I'm not doing all this for me, you moron!" the Demon King snapped, his eyes flaring with a brief spark of anger. "I couldn't care less if I die! I did all these heinous acts for my people and my race! If I commit the evil acts, they can survive. But now, I couldn't care less anymore because you people already killed them all."

The silence that followed was suffocating. Each hero grappled with the weight of the Demon King's words, their convictions and assumptions challenged by the stark reality of his existence. Alex lowered his sword slightly, his idealism shaken but not broken.

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