The Unbroken Promise

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Here's another story I make!
Hope you guys like it!
ヽ( 'ω' )ノ

In the magical realm of Eldoria, where fantastical creatures roamed and ancient magic pulsated through the land, there lived a boy named Lorian. He was not alone in his adventures; alongside him were his three steadfast friends, Alexander, Hosari, and Naomi. Their bond was forged in childhood, and together they faced the trials of growing up in a world on the brink of chaos.

One fateful night, under the canopy of stars and the ancient oak tree that had witnessed countless memories, they made a vow that would shape their destinies.

"We swear," declared Alexander, his voice resonating with determination, "that one day, when we grow up, we will become heroes and save the world from the Demon King's tyranny."

Hosari, her vibrant green hair shimmering in the moonlight, echoed his sentiment. "Together, we'll be unstoppable!"

Naomi, the gentle healer with golden locks that seemed to radiate warmth, placed her hand on top of Alexander's. "For justice and peace, we will fight as one."

Lorian, the quiet yet observant boy with a heart full of resolve, added his hand to the stack. "No matter what, we will protect each other."

The promise they made that night bound them together, a pact of friendship and heroism that seemed unbreakable. Years flew by, and the once playful children grew into formidable warriors. Alexander became a master swordsman, his skills unmatched in combat. Hosari delved into the arcane arts, her knowledge of magic vast and unparalleled. Naomi honed her healing abilities, her touch capable of mending even the gravest wounds. And Lorian, ever the strategist, developed his powers of vision magic, which allowed him to see distant places and discern hidden truths.

However, the passage of time also brought challenges and strains to their friendship. As they ventured deeper into their quest to defeat the Demon King, Lorian found himself increasingly distanced from his friends. Each night, while the others rested, Lorian worked tirelessly, using his vision magic to map out their path and uncover the secrets of the Demon King's fortress. His body bore the toll of his sleepless nights, manifesting in mysterious scars that worried his companions.

The final straw came on a particularly grim evening. The group had just returned from a harrowing battle against one of the Demon King's generals, and tensions were high. They gathered around the campfire, the flames casting flickering shadows on their weary faces.

"We're sorry to tell you... but we don't need your help anymore," Hosari said, her voice tinged with regret. Her green eyes, usually so lively, now seemed burdened with sadness.

Alexander, his chiseled features set in a hard line, added, "We don't need somebody who needs help during our fight against the Demon King. Also, the fact you keep mysteriously getting scars each night is worrying."

Naomi, her usually gentle demeanor stern, chimed in, "We don’t need to continue protecting you."

Lorian, despite the ache in his heart, smiled softly. "Ok, I understand," he replied, his voice calm and steady.

His friends were taken aback by his composure. They had expected anger, tears, perhaps even pleas for reconsideration. Instead, Lorian's serenity left them momentarily speechless. As the initial shock faded, their expressions hardened once more, masking their uncertainty.

"Can we get any last words before we kick you out of the heroes' party?" Alexander asked, still looking at Lorian with a mix of disappointment and curiosity.

Without a word, Lorian reached into his satchel and pulled out several sheets of parchment. He handed them to Alexander, who unrolled them to reveal a detailed map of the Demon King's castle, complete with notes on traps and guard positions.

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