Chapter 16

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It is really hard for Archie not to constantly touch Veronica and kiss her and tell her how pretty she is. It's not like he's not showing her any affection at all but just as much as she's willing to accept. He does other things more often now. Like bringing her breakfast in bed or bringing home flowers after work or buying her favorite snack.

Veronica is going out with Cheryl, Toni and Betty tonight. Cheryl and Toni haven't seen Betty since prom but it was important to Veronica that they make up too so they all can finally leave the past in the past and be friends again.

She puts her heels on and runs her fingers through her hair one last time before she's satisfied with the way she looks.

"I'm leaving! Bye amor" Veronica says. She opens her arms wide. Linda comes running. She wraps her arms around her mother and holds her close. "Bye mommy!"

"Be nice to daddy"

"Yeah yeah" Linda nods. She gets on her tiptoes and place a little kiss on Veronica's cheek before she runs back to her toys. Archie stands across from Veronica he smiles at her.

"Bye Archiekins"

"Bye Ronnie. Have fun"

"Thanks and remember, you can say no to Linda. You can give her boundaries and consequences. I know that's tough for you sometimes but she needs it"

Archie nods. He knows he should show Linda more boundaries but she's his little baby. Saying no to her is hard for him. He can't see her cry.

Veronica smiles at him. The look in his eyes is just as adorable as it has always been. He's a great dad he just needs to learn that saying yes all the time may harm their daughter more than boundaries. She takes a step closer to him. "You got this Archie. I trust you"

"Thank you" he smirks.

Veronica takes another step closer to him. She looks up to him with that look she knows gets him weak in his keens. She knows she has him wrapped around her little finger. She smiles, then points at her lips. "Kiss?"

"Like I would ever say no to that" he smirks

Carefully and very gently, he places his hands on her waist, pulls her just a little closer to him before he places his lips on hers. "Bye baby" he whispers "if for whatever reason Betty can't drive you home, let me know. I'll pick you up"

"Okay. But you know that she lives right across the street right?" Veronica giggles.

"Yeah but what if... just call me if you want me to pick you up okay?"

She nods then pecks his lips again, turns around and walks out of the house.


Archie massages his temples with his eyes closed. He sits at the kitchen counter. Linda sits across from him. He let Linda have some ice cream after dinner. She convinced him to give her two scoops instead of just one and he already regrets it. He's trying to do a little bit of work. There are just a few things he didn't get done during the week but Linda keeps slamming her spoon on the counter.

"Linda please stop that. That's really loud"

"But it's fun!" She says with a giggle.

"I understand that but it's still loud. I'm trying to do some work and it also might put little dents into counter"

"Why are you allowed to play instruments but I am not? This is my drum. I want to make music like you sometimes do"

Archie sighs. "I promise you my love, I'll teach you how to play the guitar or the piano or the drums tomorrow but please stop"

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