WIK's Kitten

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Porchay is very clingy when sick but Kim has a scheduled IG live to promote his new album.

Chay's clinginess led him to be known and called as WIK's Kitten 🐱

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Kim has been on a photoshoot since this morning, he didn't even get a chance to drive his boyfriend to uni because he left at dawn. He only pecked Porchay's forehead and left a small note that he left already for work.

It's been 12 hours since then and it's already 5 in the afternoon, he just finished the shoot but still has another schedule at night.

As he sat on his chair letting his make-up artist remove the colorful-abstract-like makeup on his face, Kim heard his phone ring and it's not just an ordinary ring, it's the customized ringtone set only for his boyfriend; Porchay.

"Hi, Angel." Kim immediately answered but he only got a faint groan as a response.

"Chay? Are you okay, baby?" He asked, now feeling worried about how his boyfriend is staying quiet when Chay is already this cheerful boy whenever he talks to Kim.

"P'Kim..." Porchay mumbled but it was quickly followed by another groan.

"What's wrong, Angel?" Kim can hear his boyfriend's deep and ragged breathing.

"Can you come home?" Porchay asked, his voice soft but weak. "I feel sick." He sighed "Want you home." He added, almost begging with his weak voice.

Kim can feel how Porchay is having a hard time talking with how rough his boyfriend's voice is, Chay also coughed a few times between his words and it's making him worried so much.

He glanced at his manager and said "Can I do the IG Live at home?"

His IG Live is scheduled at 8 PM for his new album promotion, he planned to do it at the set of the photoshoot for him not to travel back to his studio before going home, but now, he just wanted to do it at home where Porchay needs him close.

"You can, but you need to go now." His manager said. The travel time from the photoshoot location to his condo is approximately an hour and a half, not including traffic.

Kim stood from his chair and hurriedly fixed his clothes and belongings. He thanked his staff before saying "I'll go first. Chay needs me." He checked his face from the mirror one last time, making sure there's no makeup left. "Thank you for your hard work!" He exclaimed before running back to his car.

Once he's inside his car, he checks his phone in his hand and Porchay is still on the other line. "Angel? Are you still there?"

Porchay only hummed.

"I'll be on my way home. Can you wait for me for another 2 hours, baby?"

"Home...” his boyfriend only mumbled in response to his question.

"Yes, yes, I'll be home." He cooed "Stay in bed, okay? I'll end the call now. I love you." He heard a weak love you from Porchay before he ended the call.

The drive back to his condo took him an hour and 45 minutes and it's already almost 7 PM, there's a little bit of traffic on his way but it's manageable.

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