Snuggles with the tired (DITCH X READER)

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Yes, I am writing this while I am sick while having painful menstrual cramps. Yes I am laying down in the nurses office. Fuck off.

Ditch sighed as he walked through the doorway; he had been working with the gang all day to catch those little fuckwits who was breaking into the warehouse. He was on the top floor of that same warehouse now, where he slept with his loving partner (Y/N). In fact, there they were now, sitting on the bed, reading a book by the candle light.

He stripped down to his boxers, the way he usually slept, and climbed in bed. He put a bookmark in the book and set it near the candle. (Y/N)  blew out the candle, and pulled the blanket over the pair.

Ditch grabbed them softly by the waist and pulled them close. He softly cuddled them, his head burrowing softly in their neck. They fell asleep swiftly, with only the sound of their breaths around them.

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