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Luis's POV

I was on Claire's couch, taking a nap while she got a bit of grading done. Irene had laid in her bed, keeping her company.

I felt my phone vibrate while I was snoring my life away. It was from Cassie.

I fluttered my eyes open slowly and picked up the phone. I heard her sniffle as she forced her words out.

Can you come over?.. I need your help because I'm having a hard time right now and I just can't.. "

I instantly awoke and all the feeling of sleepiness had left me.

"Why, what happened?.." I responded, my groggy voice causing me to slur my words. She paused before answering to me. It caused me to feel on edge. She seemed scared.


She said while bursting into tears, I furrowed my eyebrows and raised myself to find Claire. "Gimme a minute.." I said. I tried to figure out what was going on. Cassandra muttered "Okay.." as I walked toward Claire's room, the lights were off so I figured she was probably getting some rest with Irene.

I knocked on the door before I opened it. It was slightly cracked open. Since there wasn't a response, I decided to peek my head through as I peered around the pitch-black room and then flicked the light switch to get a better look. Only Irene was there..sleeping..

"Luis?" She said, sobbing over the phone.

"Tell me about what happened, on my way right now.."

She sniffled more then gathered the strength to speak to me once more.

"I came home and I slept for a couple of hours since I was really tired. The kids have been out of control today so I needed all the rest I could get and... "

She paused again, preventing herself from breaking down again.

"She broke in while I was sleeping. I woke up and rushed into the main room and she was knocking all of my shit over. She started beating me into doors, walls, and corners. Before I could even call for the police, she kicked the phone out of my hand when I was on the floor, bleeding.."

I'm not defending anyone, but I wouldn't put it past Claire if it's true. I somewhat believe that she did. She does tend to get a change in her mood when I mention or interact with her...I thought about it while I rushed out to the car and wasted no time on getting to Cass.

"I never thought Claire would be that protective over you, all I did was mention you to her a couple of days ago and she completely lashed out on me at the school. She snapped at me and we didn't talk for the rest of the day after that, later she was beginning to send me weird ass threats about how I needed to stop this backstabbing shi and it did hurt me. I'm guessing today was just her last straw and she was getting tired of me. She said that she saw us talking outside of her house and as soon as you went to sleep, she broke in..from there, she started beating me.."

I kept her on the phone while I drove, I was doing a couple of miles over the actual speed limit but it was necessary. I couldn't talk so all I did was think. I'll believe it when I see it. I suspected complete bullshit when she told me that Claire went over because her car was still outside but there was no sign of her being in the house when I checked. I doubt that I'm overlooking it because I would've noticed it. The papers and pens were still there but her car still being there is throwing me all the way the fuck off.

Claire isn't the type of person to take the time out of her day to go to the other side of town just to harass her, that's a hell of a stretch. Bullshit.

I sat there just driving while chewing gum. Her voice began to fade out of my head and there was nothing but thoughts again.

I pulled up to the house and the door was busted in and half broken.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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