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- E L E N A -

I'm sat in the living room of Mads' apartment, watching some random show. I'm not even really watching it.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the things Enzo had done. I just don't understand.

It's not only about the things Matteo had done to me, but he hurt Enzo too.

Even though he tried to hide it, Enzo was hurt when his best friend left without even saying goodbye. He thought he wasn't as important to Matteo as Matteo was to him.

Yet, he continues to bring him around and sit with him like nothing happened. How could he forgive him so easily? How could he just forget about everything he had done to us?

And seeing Matteo isn't the thing that hurts me the most. What hurts more is that my own brother keeps disregarding what he had done to me.

It hurts that he can sit next to the man who ruined his little sister for years, as if it's nothing.

And the thing that hurts the most is the fact that I don't know the reason behind all of this.

Just then, I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Mads. She plops down next to me on the couch with a tub of ice cream.

She hands me a spoon before removing the top. "This will cheer you up and make you stop thinking about those two assholes." She smiles and a small laugh comes from me.

No matter how bad the situation, Mads can always make me laugh.

I love her with my whole heart.

As I'm about to respond, there's a knock on her door and she groans as she gets up to open it. Her father walks in when she opens the door and I roll my eyes.

Nicholas Blanchard.

Your classic rich asshole. Sexist, controlling, and insanely powerful.

My dad hated him. And I see why.

"Madeleine, why haven't you been at the boutiques with your mother like I told you?" He scolds Mads and she just looks at him like she doesn't give a shit.

Mads' mom, Ana, owns a boutique chain and she has many boutiques around the country. Unlike Nicholas, she's extremely sweet.

Mads ignores him and closes the door to her apartment. He looks over her shoulder, making eye contact with me.

"Elena. I thought my daughter would have dropped you as a friend by now." He raises his eyebrow in an attempt to intimidate me.

"Someone should've dropped you off a cliff." I murmur. He walks behind Mads and stands on the side of the couch, looking down at me.

"You know, you could have so much potential without that little attitude of yours." He looks me up and down.

I give him a disgusted look in response.

"And you still wonder why no one likes you?" I furrow my brows and he scowls at me. Walking into the kitchen where Mads was, he begins to talk about me to her as if I'm not there.

Mads' apartment is anything but small, but he was being so loud and obnoxious that I could hear the conversation.

"I told you to stop being friends with that brat years ago, Madeleine." He scolds. Mads scoffs and put the ice cream from earlier back.

"Well, I'm not going to. She's been there for me for years and I told you to stop calling me that. You know I don't like it." She rolls her eyes.

"It's your name, I will continue to call you it." He says.

"There's things connected to my name that I don't want to remember. Why can't you do what I ask? It's not like I'm telling you to cut off your foot." She tells him, walking back into the living room.

"Arrête de me manquer de respect tout de suite, Madeleine. Je ne manquerai pas de vous le faire regretter."
{Stop disrespecting me right away, Madeleine. I will not fail to make you regret it.}

"Is that all you needed?" She says.

He looks around the apartment one more time before nodding and walking out of the door. She lets out a sigh as she flops down on the couch beside me.

"Your dad is a dick." I say.

She looks at me with a smile. "Tell me about it." She laughs and I join in on the laughter with her.

I love her.


this chapter was short, but i wanted to include the rest in the next chapter

i know i haven't posted in like years but it's okay

this chapter was basically just showing mads and lena's relationship but i wanted to give you guys some more info on them and mads' family life

tiktok: _kenzwrites

if you see any mistakes tell meee

ily all and have a great day/night <3

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