Chapter 47: Burden of the Savior

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Alex treaded on slowly, his heart heavy with defeat and annoyance. Thoughts of Kevin and their adventure together flooded his mind, a bitter reminder of the loss he had just endured.

As Alex came to a stop, he couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. As the Savior, what did he truly have? He didn't know the whereabouts of the Lake Trio, nor did he have any leads on Darkrai's location.

With a heavy sigh, Alex surveyed the lifeless, paused state of everything around him. Time stood still, freezing moments in a perpetual state of emptiness. His gaze shifted to a tree engulfed in flames, yet frozen in time like a photograph, a stark contrast to the chaos and destruction that had transpired moments ago.

Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of his responsibilities and the uncertainty of his path, Alex stood there, lost in thought, contemplating his next move in this eerie and still world.

As Alex pondered about Ultra Necrozma, a sense of empathy washed over him. Despite the creature's malevolent actions and its role in Kevin's tragic story, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that Ultra Necrozma's plea was genuine.

"Perhaps Ultra Necrozma wasn't truly free," Alex mused aloud, voicing his thoughts to the still world around him. "It was the only one with its Spirit restored in that now nonexistent Future."

He couldn't help but wonder if Ultra Necrozma's actions were driven by desperation via the corrupted Lake Trio, a result of being trapped in a world of chaos and darkness. "Maybe if Ultra Necrozma had a chance at freedom, it wouldn't have resorted to such grave deeds," Alex contemplated, considering the possibility that even the most seemingly malevolent beings might yearn for liberation from their torment.

Alex's thoughts drifted to Kevin's past life as a human, contemplating the stark contrast between his former atrocities and his remorseful state as a shiny Absol.

"Kevin's actions in the human world were nothing short of heartless," Alex reflected somberly, recalling the grim details of Kevin's past. "He was part of a wealthy and influential family, rising to power in the year 2891."

During that time, Kevin's reign was marked by human massacres and ruthless acts that earned him a reputation akin to the antichrist. His deeds instilled fear and despair among many, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. However, just as his reign of terror reached a critical point, fate intervened, teleporting him to the pokémon world and transforming him into a shiny Absol.

"In the pokémon world, Kevin underwent a profound transformation," Alex murmured, remembering the journey of redemption Kevin told him about. "Over time, he confronted his flaws and horrors, eventually coming to terms with the weight of his past actions."

The contrast between Kevin's former atrocities and his remorseful state as a shiny Absol spoke volumes about the capacity for change and redemption, leaving Alex contemplating the complexities of morality and personal growth.

Alex pondered deeply on the transformative journey of Kevin, from a troubled past to a redeemed soul. The thought lingered in his mind, leading him to consider the possibility that Ultra Necrozma, too, might have followed a similar path if not for the constraints imposed by the Dark Pixies.

As he reflected on the power of redemption and the potential for change, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. If Kevin was able to find redemption and growth, perhaps there would have been a chance for Ultra Necrozma to do the same, given the right circumstances.

"But that doesn't matter now. They are both gone, forever." Alex said, sighing sadly.


As Alex ventured further, the desolate scene around him painted a grim picture of abandonment and destruction. The broken walls and deserted offices, marked only by a line drawn on the ground, devoid of any recent activity.

"Huh?" Alex muttered aloud, his curiosity piqued by the eerie atmosphere. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as he carefully navigated through the silent corridors, wondering what events had led to this state of desolation.

The stillness of the environment contrasted sharply with the tumultuous journey he had just experienced, but Alex knew that the calm exterior could hide untold secrets and mysteries waiting to be unraveled. With a determined yet cautious step, he pressed on, ready to uncover the truths hidden within the frozen remnants of time.

As Alex continued his journey, unaware of the geographical boundaries between Ariel and Siril, he inadvertently crossed into the forbidden territory of Ariel. Ariel, with its intricate history intertwined with Siril, held a complex and conflicted relationship dating back thousands of years.

Alex, having no knowledge of Ariel's existence and the strict laws governing Sirileans despite his time being in Siril, unwittingly violated Arrielean law by setting foot on their soil without permission. According to longstanding traditions, any Sirilean found trespassing in Ariel without authorization will face severe consequences, often leading to imprisonment followed by a sentence on death row.

Alex eventually reached his limit and decided to return to Sirilean soil, resuming his quest to find the Lake Trio.


After many but many walks and breaks in between. Alex took a break and observed the sky, he witnessed astonishing phenomena. Flashes of intense red fire surged through the heavens, illuminating the firmament before vanishing abruptly, devoid of a living source. Soon after, a brilliant blue thunderbolt streaked across the sky, mirroring the previous display of power.

To his astonishment, these energies coalesced into familiar forms: Reshiram and Zekrom, majestic Legendary Pokémon and protectors of Siril. As they descended, Alex was further surprised to see them accompanied by President Togekiss, General Gallade, and even Elton, the Treecko he had a fierce argument and as a result, lost his friendship with him.

Their arrival sparked curiosity and concern within Alex, wondering what brought this assembly of powerful figures to him.

Before Alex could say a word, Cresselia appeared behind him, causing him to jump in surprise.

"We finally meet, human or should I say Alex." Cresselia softly said.

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