jealousy jealousy

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Jisung remained at Minho's side, intertwining their fingers together as if that would have any effect.

But apparently, it did, because not that long after he felt a small squeeze,


The aforementioned perked up upon his name being called "Minho... you're awake..."

"Jisung" he muttered again.

"I'm right here, love"

"Where's hyung?"


"I wanna see him," he said as his eyes fluttered open, being met with Jisung's doe eyes.


Chan came into the room and sat down on the hospital bed.

"Hey...You wanted to see me that bad?" He teased.

"Shut uppp...." he whined and laughed at the same time, covering his face.

"Relax. I'm just teasing." He chuckled, "But actually, how are you feeling?"

"Not that bad, actually. I felt a lot worse before, maybe passing out has its benefits" he joked.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling okay,"

"Yeah, well I feel safe with my favorite people here" he smiled, looking at Jisung.

"Yah! You're gonna make me cry again" Jisung whined.


"You should've seen it. He was crying, saying that he felt bad that he couldn't help you out and all that. He was blaming himself " Chan said, "You got yourself a keeper"

"Why would you blame yourself? You didn't know what was going on, none of us did"

"Jeongin knew" he muttered.

"He's here?" He asked, surprised.



I don't know, but he's smart as hell we should hire him as your psychologist, he diagnosed you better than the doctor"

"Hmm I don't know about that, uh, Chan tell him to come in," Minho said, sitting up.

Chan walked out and tapped on Jeongin's shoulder since he was too focused on his phone. "Hey, uh, Minho wants to see you"

"What? Why?"

Chan shrugged, I don't know,"

They both walked in, Chan going back to his original spot and Jeongin standing by the doorway fidgeting with his phone.

"Jeongin you can come closer, I don't bite, I just have one question"

Hesitantly, he came closer, standing next to the IV.

" come you're here?"

"I don't know...I felt bad...I guess" he muttered, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Could you repeat that?"

"That's two questions, Lee," he said sternly.

"Fine," he said, putting his hands up. "Don't worry, I have amazing hearing. I heard every word you said" he smirked.

"Do you want to get hit?"

"Hey! I just woke up, cut me some slack! Plus, I'm older"

"Pfft, okay Dad"

"It's 'hyung', Yang"



After an hour or so, they decided to go home, leaving Jisung and Minho.

"Min, you wanna go home?"

"Fuck yes," he groaned, standing up and immediately falling back down.

"Hey, take it easy," he said softly, trying to help Minho get back up slowly.

After a while, they managed to get into Jisung's car. "Okay! The doctor said we need to pick up your medication so we have to stop at the pharmacy first,"

"Alright... hand me the aux cord"

The drive was mostly silent, except from the music playing. The sky was painted black with dots of white littering it. The city was lit up,, and looked beautiful.

Right as they stopped at a red light, a certain song started playing that caused both laughter and annoyance.

"No no no no, Minho take it offf" Jisung whined.

"Whyy? I love this song"

"I hate it! I don't even know why me and Chan made it" he hit his head against the steering wheel. (sorry changbin)

"Right, I mean you're both gay so why about a girl?"

"Actually let me tell you

"So this was back when I liked you and, heck, you didn't even know I existed so I told Chan I wanted to make a song, he didn't know why and why the concept was chosen. He just...agreed. I was just...mad? I think. But you had girls fawning all over you and still do. You even dated one of them."

"Just girls?" Minho laughed.

"Okay Mr. Bisexual, we get it, you're hot as fuck and everyone likes you"

"Aww, you're jealous" he teased as Jisung started driving again.


"Hmm, I think you still are."


"Are you mad?" Minho pouted playfully.


"You look really cute right now" Minho said casually as he leaned on the window.

"Oh look at that! We're home!" Jisung said as he parked in the driveway. Definitely not shy. Nope.

They got out of the car and walked to the door, unlocking it. Once they got in, Minho went for his room, but Jisung grabbed him by the wrist.

"Hey Min, um, can"


I just split it there cuz...yeah.

Almost school free 😔✊

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