14 | that's it? no details?

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that's it? no details?

"What the fuck??"

After Alaska and Mya came back from getting the drinks, you looked paler than ever before. Even more pale than Robin did when she came back from the bathroom at the airport. They asked you what was going on, so you explained them what Chan has put on your skin. Something only soulmates can do.

"He's a little insane for that," Alaska mumbles. "But I'm sure he just wants some clearance about you two. Since, well, you two are kind of friends but still act like you're strangers."

"So?? He knows that I'm on a vacation, right?? When does he even want to talk to me, then? Couldn't he have waited?"

Alaska and Mya send each other a glare, but this goes totally unnoticed by you. Alaska shrugs and places a hand on your shoulder. "He probably means whenever the time is right. I guess he just wanted to let you know that he was ready to talk about you guys' situation."

Mya nods, "Yeah, I think so too. The talk will come whenever the time is right. You shouldn't worry about it now, you're here to rest! Just wait to reply until you've calmed down, alright? We'll have some fun in the meantime!"

You sigh and lean your head on your pulled up knees. "Okay, I guess. It just feels strange to ignore him though. But I wouldn't know what to reply either."

"You can do that later. Let's get drunk first and have some fun!" Alaska beams, holding up her drink for you to clink yours to it.

Mya rolls her eyes, "We are not getting drunk this early!"

"Why not?" Alaska pouts, and you let out a chuckle at her face.

"Yeah, why not?"

Mya shakes her head disapproving. "Ugh, you guys are something else. When will you ever learn??"

You and Alaska laugh at her answer. You clink your drink to Alaska's and take a big sip from your cocktail, making Mya shake her head but lean back in her beach stool anyway.

You and the girls enjoy your time at the beach, laying down on the beach stools and tanning until you're sick from it. It's time to finally relax and have some fun with your friends. You don't need guys around you, and especially not the ones from Stray Kids that brought you so much joy and trouble. It's good for now. You'll see them when you're back home.

You suddenly remember something. "Hey," you say, pulling down your sunglasses so you can look to your left to Alaska, and to your right to Mya. "You guys haven't told me about how you two got together with your boyfriends!"

Both of them sit up and place their drinks down. "Oh, right, we haven't," Alaska starts. She leans forwards to look at Mya. "Will you tell it first?"

Mya nods eagerly. "Yeah! Oh, Riley, it was so romantic!"

You smile, "Do tell!"

Mya beams and nods, then clapping her hands together. "I told you guys that me and Jeongin were running, right?" she asks. You and Alaska nod, so she continues. "Well, this was right after I told him I'd run with him. We went running in the morning. It was the first time that we did. And suddenly Jeongin said that he wanted to take a detour to the park nearby my place, so we did. It was a few kilometers more but I didn't mind, because it meant more Jeongin time!"

You chuckle at her words. She looks so excited when she's talking about him.

"Yeah, or more sweaty Jeongin time," Alaska says, making her gasp.

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