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Dior was out with her friends when LA had called her for the million time. sighing out frustrating, she called back," yo." She said in the kitchen waiting for him to respond back.

Dior heard la voice and it sound Sad," Ma.. I need you... please.." Leonard Said making her heart break into millions. Soften my voice, she asked him if he okay.

She didn't hear nothing but soft cries, dior ran out the house opening her car and started to drive fast "baby... I'm coming. Stay on the phone." Dior said with tears in her eyes.

"What happen if i die or disappeared? I can't take this shit anymore, it's hurting me... you hear me? IT'S FUCKING HURTING ME." He said Screamin and crying. She pulled in the drive way, getting out the car, running to back way of the studio crying.

She seen he was shot in the lower stomach,

"BABY." Dior dropped all her shit falling on her knees to him and took her shirt off placing it on his wound. Dior noticed that LA was breathing hardly." Breath in slowly, don't breathe to fast." Leonard listened to her breathing in and breathing out and he breathing was now going into a normal rhythm.

Going in the bathroom seeing dior in the bathtub with bloody water in the tub with him tryin to get air. I ran to him goin in the tub crying grabbing his face.

Grabbing his phone calling 911,"Hello What's the emergency?" I cried," my boyfriend commit suicide in my face. blo- blood is eve-everywhere." Dior said as I see jay breath slowly looking at me.

"What's your addre- 70th Street and Stony Island Avenue .. please hurry.. his goin die." Dior said holding la.

" Ma promise me you gonna take care the fam an baby..... Right." He said coughing up blood as Dior cried holding justin.

She grab his face." ye-yes, jus don't leave me baby please.. Just wait, the cops comin stay strong." She said as his eyes begin to close slowly and softly.

He laugh," They is? They coming to long..... I want to tell you something.... I.... Lov...... You..... And b-be s-strong fa me baby.... I finally can go to where I wanted to be, h-happy." Leonard Said crying holding her face with blood on his body and face, hands as well.

Dior heard the cops going coming down the street, They seen me on Leonard crying as LA tried to stay strong. The women grab her as she scream, " LEONARD LISTEN TO ME STAY STRONG, BABY PLEASE! " Dior said kicking the lady trying to get him.. to be by him.

They lift Leonard up, putting him on the white bed, they use for people who got hurt. They grab the bars of the bed an begin to push him out away from the alley. putting him in the emergency car. She ran away from the street he had got shot at and ran away to the ambulance trunk.

"Lady you can't see him like this... It can be traumatizing." They said sadly as she stared at them with blood all over her clothes and face.

They got in the back as dior stared in sadness.

" I need him.... please..." Dior said as the looked at each other, " come on." The lady said. She got in holding la hand as he grab mines staring at her, mouthing " I love you".

Dior smile in sadness as tears came out her eyes again, putting her head on their hands, praying to god to keep him safe.. hoping he make it...

It's her fault, All here and it's nothing she can do........

𝑳𝑨, 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now