Chapter 23

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Meghna’s pov:

The next day we are all gathered again in the arena. This time Vaishnavi and I are standing with my brother's, while Maa and Gandhari are seated with King Dhritarashtra.
To my annoyance and Vaishu’s discomfort, Duryodhan has decided to grace us with his presence.

He is currently trying to seduce Vaishu by not so subtly flexing his muscles.

Can someone tell him he looks like a constipated chicken?

Meghna!! Stop trying to make me laugh.

Well I'm sorry I'll stop when Duryodhan stops acting like he's trying to push out an egg through his butt.

Vaishu pinches my arm and I giggle to myself. Duryodhan turns to some minister and Vaishu and I giggle softly.
Bhrata Arjun smacks my head and glares at me.
“Owwwww Bhrata Arjun why?!” I whine rubbing my head.
“You haven't wished me good luck.” He says. I roll my eyes and grab his hand.
“Oh Rajkumar Arjun of the Pandavas, please go forth and duel with Karna of Dwaraka and win and bring glory to us all.” I drawl, batting my eyes. Bhrata Arjun looks exasperated, “Don't call me Rajkumar.”
“Ohhhh yeahhh no, only Vaishu can call you Rajkumar- OWWW” I scream as he twists my ear hard.

“Don't make such stupid jokes.” He says. I swat at him, “Fine fine, all the best Bhrata Arjun.”
“Thank you Meghna.”

He doesn't move and I look between him and Vaishu who looks very interested in the sandy ground of the arena.
“Ehem, Vaishu if you could be so kind as to wish my brother all the best-” I say, nudging her.

“All the best Rajkumar Arjun.” Vaishu says softly. Bhrata Arjun smiles softly and I can practically see the hearts in his eyes. Aw these two are just adorable.
“Thank you Princess.” He says, grabbing Vaishu's hand and pressing a kiss to it

He saunters off to the arena while I cackle at Vaishu's surprised expression.
“Dude- you look like-”
She holds up her hand, “I know.”
After wishing Karna good luck, Vaishu and I take our seats with my brothers. Guru Drona matches out into the arena and blows the conch shell to signal the start of the duel.

“Whoever remains standing at the end of this duel will be known as the best archer.” He declares before stepping off to the side.

Bhrata Arjun and Karna begin circling each other, tension crackling in the air like electricity, as each  and ready for the impending clash. With a nod of mutual respect, they raised their bows, their arrows gleaming in the sunlight as they drew back the string of their bows.

The first arrow flew, a streak of silver slicing through the air as it sought its target. But Karna was swift to respond, his own arrow flying, a flash of gold meeting silver in a display of skill and precision. Back and forth they traded blows, each arrow finding its mark with deadly accuracy. But as the duel raged on, it became clear that neither warrior would yield so easily.

Bhrata Arjun stepped back, his string pulled back and as he released it, an arrow appeared, multiplying as it flew through the air and began its descent to Karna.
Karna looked unfazed as he pointed his bow up, pulling the string back as he muttered something, causing two golden arrows to appear. The arrows once released formed a golden shield around Karna, protecting him from the onslaught of Bhrata Arjun's arrows.

Wow. As someone who considered herself skilled in archery, I had to admit that my brothers were definitely the true masters of the art.
Their fight continued for a while. Vaishu was on the edge of her seat. I was so engrossed in the fight that I couldn't even make a well timed joke.

Eventually however I realised that it was about time for the sun to set. As in that it would be sunset in a few moments and so far neither of them seemed winded nor was there any sign of a definitive winner.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 16 ⏰

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