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craig's pov
she's been out with smurf after smurf got a call. i'm working on the bar that derans going to open since he's now told us about it. deran asks "aren't you worried for her?" i ask "who?" he rolls his eyes "Lia man. aren't you worried? she went god knows where with smurf. and now is the head of everything before even smurf. you not worried about that?" i sigh "yeah. i am. she wanted out. asked for us to go. somewhere anywhere. but smurf pulled her back in. and now to keep this family together she's in charge. when she just went through so fucking much. she says she's okay. she seems okay. but i'm still worried"

he asks "you tell her that?" "she knows i'm worried. but you know her man. once she sets her mind on somethin she's gonna do it. especially if it means protecting all of us" i tell him. he asks "protecting us?" i nod "yeah. she thinks that if we walked. worked with baz" he cuts me off "we would've never worked with baz. especially after what he's done to her" "i know. but whether we worked with just us or with baz she thinks without the connections she and smurf has...that we would've gotten caught, or died out there doing what we do. so she's protecting us by stepping up and controlling everything like pope suggested" i continue.

he says "it's not her job to do that for us. she deserves a life man" "i know she does. but this...right now, is what she wants" i tell him. he asks "so...you two are getting serious. saying i love you and shit. never thought i'd have seen the day" i scoff "fuck you" laughing. he asks "what? were you saying that shit to ren?" with a raised eyebrow knowing i wasn't. i chuckle "what if i was?" he rolls his eyes "shut up alright? you did not love ren you loved the idea of it the drugs and her." i chuckle "i know"

he says "you want to marry her?" i reply "we're both in deep and she's going through shit" "that's not what i asked. what about kids? you know she wants to be a mother" he tells me. i reply "she is a mother. to J. to your scrawny ass too" he laughs "she is. but you know what i mean craig. we all just want her happy and content with her life. especially after what happened" i say "yes. to both of em. yes i want those things with her. i love her Deran." he smiles and slaps my shoulder "never woulda believed it would've happened. with her...honestly i was hoping she wouldn't but i had the feeling she woulda gotten back with baz eventually. and that shit woulda continued" i chuckle "she woulda rather been alone than go back to him deran. but uh...yeah. i woulda never thought id get her to be mine either" i turn to the door as it opens and she comes in and i grin "hey baby didn't think you'd be back until tomorrow" she comes over and kisses me softly "didn't want to. smurf is a lot" Deran asks "what happened?" she replies "we robbed a bar" showing the cash. i chuckle "you and smurf do petty thefts now?"

she shrugs "her idea." there's more. i turn her face to me "talk to me" she says "she's a bit unhinged now that she's not in charge fully. manny died went to his funeral. saw Javi." Javi always had a thing for her. jealousy rises in me "he touch you?" i ask. she's loyal as fuck i know she wouldn't let him do anything. she loves me. she chuckles "he's still sprung on me. all this time later." "he try anything? do i have to break his fucking face" i question.

"relax baby. i had it handled" she tells me climbing into my lap. combing her fingers in my hair and i say "well did he?" kissing her softly and she says "he heard baz and i split from others and thought i was single but i told him im not" i ask "did he touch you?" "not that way craig" she assures me. i nod and kiss her and ask "you okay?" she nods "just tired" i nod and deran says "there's a couch in the back you can crash there for now" she shakes her head "thanks" and he nods looking away and she swipes a beer and i chuckle and he turns and chuckles "help yourself sis." she nods "i will. here's a tip" offering money and he shakes his head "nah. you already gave me the money for this place" "i don't care ya gotta profit" leaning over and putting the 20$ bill into his pocket of his flannel and she sits back on my lap and we hang out like old times.

black Dahlia|| Craig CodyWhere stories live. Discover now