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dahlias pov
it's been a few days. baz is mad smurf and i changed the security codes. he's still adamant on walking. i don't care he can go out and die for all i care. though i'd be pissed i'm not the one to make him do so. nicky is still around and her and j are in a weird place considering her lie about her and craig fucking. here we are spreading the word about Derans bar opening finally. i'm proud of him. we meet up to set up for the job in the air ducts and i climb in and time ourselves. i tell J who took derans place because he tapped "hold it baby" he nods and we make it with the heat.

we get out and craig asks "you okay?" i nod and take the cold water and say "not the most comfortable but it's what we gotta do" kissing him softly. we meet back up with deran who left and baz bitches and he confesses about the bar. i hang with deran just to go outside and we see craig with stolen beer. i chuckle "babe he wants this place legit he can't have stolen beer here. nice thought though" taking one and he pouts about it and he takes the truck away.

i meet up with pope after getting a text. he says "i think i met someone" i nod and smile "im happy for you pope" "she goes to that church. i know i'm supposed to be just working her. but" i fill in "you like her" he nods and he says "i can't stop thinking about cath" i hug him "im sorry" he tells me "don't be i did it for you so you wouldn't have to. you're going through a lot now" he adds "i think im gonna step up for lena. i know baz wont" i nod "i'll help however you need andy. that girl deserves a good home even if baz wont give her that or the attention she needs" he asks "you'll take care of her? even after how she was made?" i say "it's not her fault baz cheated on me andy." he replies "you're a saint you know that?" i scoff "im far from that andy. going straight to hell when life is done for me" he chuckles "nah i think you're the one who's gonna make it. even with what smurf made you do" i rest my head on his shoulder "doubt it"

black Dahlia|| Craig CodyWhere stories live. Discover now