the shadow demon (WillxOc)

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PoV Will
It was our final exam and all of us were gathered in front of the dark forest that was full of traps and tricks.

The task was as simple as it was hard. We had to fulfill tasks in teams, but there also was a disguised parent walking around. He represented the shadow demon, one of our kind's enemies that was particularly nasty.

If we failed a task we were out and would be judged by what we managed to do and how.

If we agreed to go with the disguised adult, "the shadow demon had our souls" and we were out.

I was a bit tense, because I was in a team with my twin, his boyfriend and their friends, but Bill and I had a fight the evening before and we didn't quite solve the issue, but I was ready to put that aside for the exam.

The signal was given and we started. I immediately felt excluded. Like they didn't even see me.

Eventually, the others went into a cave for the task, while Bill and I were supposed to guard the cave.

Bill glanced at me angrily.

"You're excluding me.", I eventually said.

"As if you could do anything right anyway.", Bill huffed.

I begged: "give me a chance."

"I don't want to loose because of you. You're useless. ", he growled.

I rubbed my arm. Suddenly I felt watched.

"Bill. There is someone watching us.", I stated.

"So what? You gonna poop your pants?", he chuckled.

"Why do you hate me so much?!", I cried out.

Bill looked away.

"Stop bothering me.", he said clearly.

"Fine. I WILL!", I snapped. Then I turned away and ran off. That was stupid.

I was lost soon enough. We weren't supposed to split...

Suddenly I felt cold and...watched.

"Come out!", I called.

There was a noise in the bushes, then a man my age stepped out of them. I didn't recognize him, but then again, I knew almost none of the other students.

"Hey. Where's your group?", I asked.

"I lost them. Where's yours?", he smiled.

"They didn't want me.", I shrugged.

"How about we walk together?", he was still smiling. I put out my hand.

"I don't believe we've met, I'm William. And you are?", I smiled back. He took my hand and shook it.

"Victor.", he said. We walked together for a bit.

"Aren't you scared?", he suddenly asked.

I shrugged.

"Well, you should be. You don't know me. I could be the shadow demon.", he said.

"If you were, I'd be out already."

"And what if I was the real one?", he grinned.

"I think he's better than that, honestly. They say he's so powerful. ", I said.

"Maybe he's tired of being the object of these stupid exams. Maybe he wants to teach them a lesson.", Victor told me.

I froze. Was it getting colder and darker?

Suddenly, when I looked at Victor, there were shadows crawling around him. I was frozen in place.

I felt a scream leave my lips, but I didn't hear it.

PoV Bill after Will ran off
"We got it! Let's go!", Keyhole cried out happily. I was pouting.

"Uhm, darling? Where's your brother?", Tad asked, kissing my cheek.

"I don't know nor care. He decided to go alone.", I huffed angrily.

"So he's out in the forest, all alone, with all the traps?", Key chuckled.

"We need to find him.", Tad told me.

"Oh, he'll be fine! It's not like anything serious could happen to him!", I said.

"Yeah, but if we don't complete the tasks together, we'll loose points. ", said Hectagon.

I huffed.

"Fine! He went that way."

We followed Wills trail, until suddenly there was a heart breaking scream ringing through the air.

We ran towards the noise, just to watch my brother being absorbed by shadow.

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