the shadow demon part 6

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PoV Victor
It was a trap. When I came to pick up my angel, they attacked me. A big group of demons cornered me and forced me to fight.

When they had me on my knees, Jack stepped forward. His eyes were filled with hate.

I looked up at my ex lover, the person that broke me years ago. He was divine.

"Jack! End this! You know I don't mean any harm to you!", I cried out desperately. I felt so weak and pathetic.

"Do you hear that, people? After he took one of our children!", Jack said loudly.

I immediately felt guilty.

"Look, I'm sorry for that, but I never hurt him!", I sighed.

"Oh, but you put a spell on him, didn't you? A love spell, so you can bend him over.", Jack claimed.

"I did not put a spell on him! Everything we did was consentual.", I huffed.

"Noone could ever love you, Victor. You're a disgrace to our kind.", the man stated angrily.

I looked away.

Since they didn't have a dungeon or prison, I was put into an empty classroom, guarded by three grown up demons.

I was tied up by magic and my own fear.

Suddenly I noticed how fidgety one of my guards was.

"Help me. Please. I'm not evil. ", I pleaded.

The red guard huffed. "You kidnapped and cursed our brother.", he said.

"I didn't curse him at all! William and I fell in love.", I sighed sadly.

"And why would we believe you?", the red asked.

"Ask him! He's probably really worried anyway. It's getting late and he's waiting for me.", I told them.

"He's to naive. Uncle Jack knows better.", the guard said. Finally the fidgety white one started talking: "what if he doesn't, Kill?"

Then the third; the green one joined in: "I don't want to be at fault for the death of one of us."

"He's not one of us anymore! He's barely worth our time.", the red growled.

I nodded slowly. This was it. Jack would have me killed.

"Can I talk to Will? One last time?", I pleaded.

PoV Will
I was on my way to my school. I needed to prove that I wasn't under a spell and Vic wasn't evil at all.

I was met with Tad.

"I need to talk to your father. ", I said.

Tad didn't argue with me. Jack was my parents best friend, he would listen to me. I was so sure.

When I entered his Office, it seemed like he was waiting for me.

"William, sit down. How are you feeling?", he asked.

"Not good. You're really going to execute Victor?", I sighed.

"It's for the better. He's weak and fragile. He's always been this way.", Jack said.

My eyes widened.

"Didn't he tell you? He was one of us. Heck, we even dated. But then I grew a mind. Demons like him shouldn't exist. They make us look bad.", the man explained.

"...I'm a lot like him, you know that?", I huffed.

He looked me in the eyes and nodded.

"And that, my dear child, is the reason you'll have to follow him. I know you love him truly. When he's dead, I'll use that against you and kill you as well.", he explained.

"W-what?!", I cried out.

"For now, I'll let you be with him. I want this to hurt him a lot more.", Jack smiled.

I was forced to my knees with magic, then I was taken to an empty classroom. I saw my brothers on the way.

PoV Vic
The guards were switched. Now there were 5 of them. Suddenly the door opened and William was being pushed inside and forced to kneel next to me. His eyes were full of tears.

"William?", I asked, my voice suddenly strained.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't change his mind. We're going to die.",William sobbed.

"We?", I asked, shocked. William nodded.

"No. No! They can't do this! You don't deserve this!", I cried out, struggling in my ties.

"It's alright. I never belonged here anyway. My father was always right about me. I'm a failure. ", my darling said. He looked so defeated.

Then he lay his head on my shoulder. They let him.

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