|Welcome To Aspen|

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"...We've reached our destination." Robert spoke up, mischief dancing in his eyes as he glanced at me.

The Jeep accelerated slightly before coming to a halt in front of large, automated gates, opening of their own accord. As we were scanned by a state of the art security system, a narrow red light flashed over us, accompanied by a peculiar whirring sound from the back of the car. Then everything went quiet.

The car crept forward, but slowly, until I could see what lay ahead of us, and my jaw dropped in surprise.

"What is this place?" I muttered, my gaze riveted on the massive structure beyond the gate. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen.

The architecture itself appeared to be formed of an alloyed metal and glistened, looking like something out of a sci-fi film.

I took a look around. Men in full black uniforms flanked the entrance door of the enormous facility. Guns slung about their waists. Some wore earpieces and held walkie-talkies over their mouths. They all appeared serious and vigilant but not dangerous.

"Who are these people? Robert, where are we?" I inquired once more, frantically zipping up my jeans.

Robert laughed. "You'll see soon enough." He unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped outside into the frigid night air. My car door simultaneously opened, and a tall, well-built man greeted me.

"Evening. Miss Micheal." He said.

He stood by my side, dressed similarly to the men in all black, and offered a hand to help me out of the Jeep.

The sweet gesture made my cheeks flush, and as I whispered my thanks, I pondered, how could he have known my name? I'm sure Robert told him about me and...

"I'll take it from here, Rick." Robert's deep voice broke me out of my musings. "Thank you."

Rick gave a nod. With a bow, he strolled away, disappearing through the building's front doors.

Robert grabbed my hand and winked. "Come on, baby girl. Let's go inside."

As we approached the massive entrance doors, they slid open automatically.

My breath hitched at the sight before me. "Wow."

Fleets of various models of planes, from jets to helicopters, stood proudly in rows and columns. The building was packed with luxury-themed aircraft, each sporting different colors and designs.

The inscription "CLARKE AIRLINES" was emblazoned across the top of each of their wings, and my jaw dropped open as realization struck.

"You own all these?" I gaped at Robert, who only chuckled, amused by my expression. "No freaking way!"

"Yes, freaking way." He said, laughing. "When I decided to come to Orlando for you, I made some important decisions. Like buying a house, changing my corporate headquarters, and moving my planes here." A warm smile flickered across his handsome features as he gestured grandly at the spacious hangar. "So here we are."

My mind raced. Robert stunned me, and my chest tightened with emotion. He'd done all of this without blinking. For me. He was making it abundantly clear that I was his future. That we would be together for a long time, if not forever.

I was speechless. Speechless and overwhelmed. My eyes stung, threatening to spill tears. But I didn't let them. Not now. Not when he deserved a thank you and my undivided attention.

So, instead, I grinned brightly and flung my arms around him, pulling his lips to mine.

His lips opened eagerly, and I felt him smile against my mouth. He kissed me deeply, holding me tight, as if he didn't want to let go.

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