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by the time she was in high school, y/n wished her soulmate would quiet down a bit.

she knew it was hypocritical. it was only a few years ago that she had been begging for the opposite. he hadn't changed too much until their final year of middle school. while he had gotten better at communicating, he still didn't really go overboard.

for some reason, the second they graduated middle school, things changed. over the summer, he would go on and on about how he was changing himself for the better.

y/n didn't really understand why, she liked him as is. she never mentioned her grievances with the idea since she knew he saw this as something he had to do. after all, what kind of pro hero can't stand out within a crowd?

so y/n supported him, even when the changes didn't make much sense to her.

one thing she did like about all the changes he was making, though, is that he could tell her the new color of his hair for some reason.

'like crimson riot?' y/n was in the middle of her (boring) shift at a convenience store near her house as her soulmate was going on about his plans to dye hair.

'like crimson riot! i'll be just as manly and cool and manly as him!'

'manly,' y/n repeated with a snicker, causing kirishima to respond in offense.

'don't judge me!'

'i'm not! i'm just saying, im sure whatever hair color you had made you look manly too!'

'i told you already, this is about me living up to my goals!'

'i should call you crimson or something,' y/n changed the topic and began ringing out a customer.

'you're so right! who's your favorite hero again? i always forget.'

'fat gum,' y/n has a big smile on her face. while he wasn't her actual favorite, she wanted to see what he would do with the name.

'i can call you fatty!' y/n waited for her soulmate to think again about what he had just said to her. 'WAIT NO I'M SO SORRY!'

at that point, y/n was laughing so hard that her head started hurting. people around her looked both concerned for her well-being and worried that she wasn't fully there mentally.

'it's mirko, duh.'

'well i actually can't think of a nickname anymore. i think the fumes are getting to my head,' y/n laughed again and shook her head.

'how about mr and mrs. riot instead of crimson.'

and for the first time in a few months, there wasn't a response right away. y/n grew anxious. maybe she pushed him a little too much?

'yeah that works,' y/n could swear she could hear the smile in his voice.

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