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'why haven't i seen you yet?' y/n was currently packing clothes for a trip that her mother had planned.

'you saw me at the sports festival, didn't you?' y/n sighed.

'no, kiri, i meant in person.'

'oh. i mean, i guess you're right.'

'i know we've been busy and that a lot has happened, but i think we should hang out this summer! have some time to relax or something, you know?'

'i would love to!'

'are you free anytime soon?'

'well, the only time i'm free is sunday. saturday i have training with some classmates and then that monday we go off to our training camp!'

'sunday works for me, i have the weekend off.'

'you said you live near bakugo, right? he lives like, fifteen minutes from me!'

'oh, so do you know that one ice cream place that has the big park beside it? like it's in a plaza that has other food places and stuff?'

'yeah, i do! my moms like going there whenever they can, there's a bakery on that strip that makes the best cakes.'

'well, we can meet there on sunday.'

'i'll let my moms know that ill be going out then,' kirishima was smiling to himself.

'i'll do the same, it's a date!' y/n felt her face grow hot the second she processed the words that she said.

'yeah,' kirishima was bright red. 'it's a date.'

SUCH a filler chapter lol
but they meet next so
i hope that makes up for it </3

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