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"you never told me you were getting your hero license!" kirishima yelled from across the room, causing people from both his school and y/n's to look at him. y/n turned and made eye contact with her soulmate, smiling as she ran over.

"sorry, it slipped my mind," she greeted him with a hug and a peck on the cheek. kirishima looked at y/n with a lovesick grin. "i'm glad i got to run into you, though. i didn't know your hero costume was so revealing."

"you're just saying that cause you're fully covered up, not everyone wants a plain body suit."

"rude," y/n pushed kirishima's face away playfully as he laughed.

"well, well, well," a blonde-haired boy with a black streak in his hair came up in front of the two
soulmates. "kirishima, who's this?"

kirishima turned to y/n, allowing her to introduce herself.

"my name's y/n l/n, eijiro's soulmate," y/n said proudly.


"yeah i am," sero put his arm around the blonde and shook his hair. "i'm shocked too, but you gotta stop yelling."

"oops," y/n laughed. "my name's kaminari, by the way, i didn't say that before."

"nice to meet you," y/n looked behind the boy and saw that a larger crowd had formed. she took a step back and held onto kirishima's arm.

"did you say l/n?" y/n turned and saw a familiar-looking boy with green hair.

"yeah? why?"

"you're fat gum's niece! i heard rumors of him having a successor for his agency, and i heard he would be giving it to his niece but i never thought i'd meet her! now that i think about it, you look kinda familiar, do i know you from somewhere? also, i had a few questions about fat gum-"

"eijiro, who the fuck is that," y/n whispered as she leaned closer to kirishima.

"midoriya, relax, you're scaring her!" kirishima turned to y/n. "you weren't joking about that nepo baby thing, huh?"

y/n smiled and shook her head.

"oh, i am so so sorry," midoriya bowed, causing y/n to awkwardly chuckle. "i just got a little excited."

"yeah, i see that. but yeah, i'm his niece. and you do look like i've seen you somewhere."

"why are all you extras huddled around?" bakugo spoke harshly, causing y/n to turn around and greet him.

"oh, bakugo, hi." bakugo scoffed and moved past her. "okay, rude as always. i thought he was just like that at home."

"you know kacchan!" midoriya spoke again. "our moms probably know one another."

y/n nodded, lord knows her mom loved having other mom friends, she wouldn't be surprised if she knew every mother in a ten-mile radius of their house.

"well, i'll let you guys be, it was nice meeting everyone!"

"aw, you're leaving already?" kirishima whined.

"you saw me earlier this week, relax."

"it's not enough," kirishima dramatically sighed.

"you big baby," y/n laughed as she squeezed his arm before returning to her classmates.

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