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"why were you shirtless up there?" was the first thing y/n had said to her soulmate when she finally found him after his class performance. she knew how excited and how hard he worked for this festival. after all he's gone through, y/n knew the least she could do was show up and support him.

"you made it!" kirishima smiled brightly as he pulled y/n into his arms, spinning her around. "you didn't tell me you got the approval! man, you really suck at telling me things."

"sorry, wanted to surprise you. i think gummy put in a good word," y/n tapped kirishima to put her down, which he did. "your class is really cool, you know. kinda wish i took that offer."

"don't think like that! you wouldn't like the hero course, anyway."

"i guess you're right."

"anyway," kirishima held out his hand, y/n looked confused as she took it, intertwining her fingers with his. "let's go explore! there's plenty to do!"

and so, she followed him around for the day.

eventually, kirishima ran into his friends, bakugo, kaminari, and sero (mina was off with the girls in their class somewhere). sero and kaminari agreed to get food for the group if the rest of them found a place to sit, which they did.

it was a less crowded area with plenty of picnic tables, the only people around were quietly eating, either with a small group or on their phones. y/n and kirishima sat on one side with bakugo across from them.

"bakugo," y/n spoke as she put her phone down. "your mom told me to tell you to text her."

"she can call me when she wants to, why would she ask some random to tell me," bakugo scoffed.

"hey man, she's not some random and you know it," kirishima frowned at his friend.

"yeah, yeah, whatever," bakugo huffed as he stood up, walking towards sero and kaminari, who were waiting in line at one of the stalls still. "those idiots probably don't even know what to order."

y/n laughed it off lightly as kirishima sighed.

"hey, y/n?"

"yeah?" y/n turned her attention to kirishima, who seemed nervous. she adjusted how she was sitting, so she was now fully facing him.

"do you wanna hang out again? like, this weekend?"

"i have to see if i'm scheduled this weekend, but i would love to," y/n smiled at him softly. bakugo began walking back to the table with food in his hands, sero and kaminari following behind him.

"alright, well, just let me know if you are because i was planning on asking you out!" kirishima grinned as y/n felt her face heat up.

"KIRISHIMA! YOU STUPID FUCK," bakugo yells before being pulled away by sero and kaminari.

kirishima's eyes widened as he realized what he said.

"you were gonna ask me out?" y/n smiled.

"well yeah, but i ruined it," he began to sulk. y/n shook her head furiously and grabbed his shoulders while maintaining eye contact.

"do it now, ask me out, eijiro."

kirishima didn't know it was even possible to blush this much.

"um, will you-"

"YES!" y/n yelled as she pulled kirishima into a tight hug, pressing quick kisses all over his face.

then, eijiro kirishima thought to himself, if i die now, i'll be okay with that.

y/n pulled back before swiftly planting a longer kiss on kirishima's lips.

"gross," bakugo gagged as he walked over with the trays of food. "can't believe i vouched for this shit."

"aw, you helped this happen," y/n turned to bakugo, grabbing kirishima's hand.

"shitty hair kept bugging me about it." bakugo shrugged as he began eating.

"hell yeah, kiri!" kaminari and sero came up behind the newly formed couple, patting kirishima's back as they hyped him up.

"alright, hands off," y/n slapped the boys' hands. the two of them laughed as they sat down and began eating.

as y/n went to grab some fires off the plate, she felt her phone vibrate. once she looked at it, she saw it was her mom texting her, saying she needed to get home. y/n sighed and stood up.

"what's wrong?" kirishima looked up like a sad puppy.

"i gotta go," y/n sighed as she rested her arm on kirishima's shoulder. "it was nice seeing you guys again!"

"you too!" kaminari and sero responded. bakugo only scoffed.

"i'll talk to you later, yeah?" y/n addressed kirishima, kissing the top of his head.

"yeah, you will," kirishima smiled before grabbing her hand and planting a soft kiss on it. sero and kaminari gagged, causing the couple to laugh.

as y/n made her way to the front gate, she heard something.

'i think i miss you already,' she smiled to herself.

'you know, i think i miss you too.'

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