Chapter Eighteen: I didn't know you were the jealous type?

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⚠️Smut Warning⚠️

Chapter Eighteen: I didn't know you were the jealous type?

Spencer's POV

I found myself waking up at various points throughout the night for some unknown reason. I wasn't one who typically struggled to fall asleep and I was surprised especially since Isabella had been the one sleeping next to me.

Unable to find peace in bed, I opted for an early morning run at 6 AM. Gently extricating myself from Isabella's embrace-she's a surprisingly firm cuddler-1 quietly slipped into my sports bra and Nike shorts, grabbed my AirPods and phone, and left the house.

Running was perhaps not the wisest choice, given my recent recovery from an accident.

But then again, sleeping with my teacher probably tops the list of unwise decisions lately. Regardless, running has always been my escape, my way to find peace.

The bridge held a special place in my heart because when I was younger my brother and I used to joke about jumping off of it. Well he for the most part probably wasn't joking because well I mean he actually ended up killing himself.

However when I got to the sidewalk ledge portion of the bridge I quickly took a deep breath and closed my eyes and Best Part by H.E.R and Daniel Caesar started playing.

And that's when.

When I began to question if I was falling in love for the first time in my life.


When I walked in, the sound of the washing machine filled the background. Isabella was at the kitchen island, phone in hand.

"Hey," she greeted, looking up with a smile.

"Hi! I got us a light breakfast," | replied, setting down our bagels and coffee. Her eyes brightened at the sight.

"Thank you!" She said right before she gave me a chaste kiss on my cheek and then grabbed the coffee.

"So what's on the plan for today?" Isabella questioned.

"I don't know actually. I might have to change it up because it seems like everywhere we go some hookup from my past shows up." I chuckled but Isabella glared at me.

"I didn't know you were the jealous type." I quickly added, earning an eye roll from her. She was probably about to give me some snarky comment but someone had called her phone and she excused herself for a second.

So I pulled out my phone and facetimed Emily and Oliver.

"How was everything?" Emily questioned excitedly.

"Yeah have u guys decided to uhaul yet?" Oliver questioned a second after.

"Haha very funny but everything has gone pretty amazing to be honest." I smiled.

"How's everything back home?" I questioned.

"Going well we're actually trying to organize the annual ski trip for when you get back." Emily answered. The Ski Trip was what we all did every winter break, we'd all go down to Aspen and rent a huge skiing property and have fun. It involved are of our families and occasionally I had brought Ivy a few times and Oliver brought Derek.

"So the question is who's getting invited?" Oliver asked.

"I'm bringing Ivy and you Derek like always bought are you gonna invite her Spencer?"

"I'll ask her and see if she wants to. I don't wanna seem clingy you know." I whispered.

"You've been trying to not seem clingy?" Isabella questioned as she walked back into the kitchen with nothing else but a robe on causing me to gulp.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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